Get raw image from asset id?

I’m trying to create an API for a game, and the API does something with a provided image. So, how can the API get a raw image from a provided asset id?



local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

function GetContentID(AssetID: number): (boolean | string?)
	-- Get the xml
	local success, xml = pcall(httpService.GetAsync, httpService, string.format("", id))

	-- Returns the id if it was a success, otherwise return false
	return success and string.match(xml, "?id=(.-)</url>")

Original code from decal2image


Thank you, but all that does is returns an xml document which just has the image id for the asset, and I’ve tried that before. I’m looking for the raw image.

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Oh, then you can use the same endpoint with the image ID to retrieve it’s content in PNG format.

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What? I said I had already checked that API, there is nothing there that returns the raw image, only the asset (Instance) to be added into a game:

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Can you tell me what you mean by “raw image”?

An image in png or similar format

This is what you need to get it as a png

What? All that does at most, is return a link like this: “[ID]”, that does absolutely nothing for me, and only works in game. I’m trying to get the image in Javascript, to be exact.

Yes, the [ID] would be the ImageId. Do the assetdelivery request again with the ImageId

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Are you using the endpoint with the image Id or the content Id?

I tried this and never did figure out a way to pull anything from an image. In the end I just set up my own shots and put that in … gl

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This is it, thank you!


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