Local script in Tool that is parented to my custom starter character won't run

My main goal is to get my starter character’s right arm shoot bullets out of it, but it the problem I have is I can’t start the remote event with the desired function/code.

local plr = game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr)
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
		print(plr.Name.. "has clicked!")

		local pos = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.TargetPoint
		local LookAt = (pos - script.Parent.Parent.Head.Position).Unit

In order that the local script runs, the tool must be under the players backpack, not under the players character

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Ohh, I see. I ran into another problem though, the arm won’t stick to the robot when it is equipped, the dummy is shown when I try to use tool grip editor, I also welded everything.

Can you show an ingame footage of how the problem looks like?


Is something anchored in your tool?

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There are no anchored parts in my tool.

Hm then I am not really sure, maybe someone else can help

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Thanks about local scripts not working in starter characters but only in Backpack, big help and appreciate it:)

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