Server/Client sided questions

So I have a game where the player can do missions to earn cash/exp etc…

I have a mission where up to 30 zombies try to run at you, and you have to defend them off with a mounted turret. Because of the fact that this mission could in theory be done at the same time by at least 8 players at once. That would be some heavy load for the server. So I decided to make this mission entirely client sided.

The zombies and turret are all running client sided. But my original idea was to make 8 separate areas for players to each do this mission. But then I realized, and this is where my question is. If I spawn in the turret, and move the player via local script, and spawn the zombies locally. Can I just use 1 area?

How does that work, if I move a player to a position with a local script. Is he only there on his client? What happens if he starts moving afterwards, what does the server see?

If you move a player’s position using a local script, the client will only see that. The server will see no changes.

You should not worry handling those tasks to the server. Making them client-sided opens a lot of problems.

I am 90% sure that when the player moves no matter if a local script does it, it’ll change on the server / for every other client

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Anything done client-side is only visible to the local player.

I suggest you to take a look at the documentation about client/server runtime


I should clarify a bit. The game is a shopping mall overun with zombies. In the mall alone there will be something 200 zombies walking around with AI.

If in theory another 8 players have 30 zombie npcs running around, 8 * 30 → 240 more npc’s. I think that will cause some issues for me. So I thought making it client sided would be better. Also, if this theory I have works then I only need 1 area for this mission instead of making multiple * max player slots.

Okay, I guess if I move the player via client. Then I just lock his player somewhere on the server, and unlock him/move him on client.

I think this is because of network ownership.

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Hm I swear that I read in a post that when a player is moved in any sort of fashion, it would replicate over to the server

Nope nevermind I’m dumb…. Yeah

I think for players the ownership of their character is set to thr local player and for everything else its defaulted as server but if a player sits in a vehicle seat then it will give the network ownership to the player that sits

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Yeah nope yeah I’m dumb. If the server had network ownership of a player it would be choppy. My bad.

Ah shoot, you mean to say that if a vehicle seat has an occupant (even if created on client) then the server will update his position? Cause I was planning on making 1 mounted turret for each player on client, and then seating their player also on client.

Well wouldn’t you be able to set the network ownership to the client again?


Haha yeah, i learnt that the hard way trying to figure out why my train stopped when i jumped out without setting the velcoity to 0

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I think both the aerver and client has to see a part for it to have ownership? Maybe im not sure

I’m pretty sure that if a part is close enough to a client’s network ownership range, the client will get network ownership of the part.

There’s a setting in studio that lets you visualize network ownership but I forgot what it’s called. It should be in Studio Settings

I’ll just start up a local server and find out. Thanks

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Im not sure about the first part but yeah theres a setting to let you visualize it

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So, looks like a seat created locally, the client can’t interact with it at all. The seat is essentially visual and not physical. Can walk right through it, no interaction.

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