Does making an object Transparency1 derender it making it performant?

So lets say, with no parts, studio runs at 30 fps, but with a part rendered studio runs at 15 fps
if i make the part invisible (transparency 1) will it make the fps go to 30 because its not visible thus not rendering it? i hate roblox’s default grass and im gonna add custom realistic grass to my game and make it auto derender when far away, but instead of removing it and replacing i was wondering if i could just hide it and bring it back afterwards

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I asked assistant in the documentation thing and it said this:

"Making a part invisible by setting its transparency to 1 will not necessarily improve the FPS (frames per second) in Roblox Studio. While the part may not be visible, it will still be rendered by the engine, which can impact performance.

To improve performance and FPS, especially when dealing with complex or large environments, it’s recommended to use techniques such as culling nonessential content and optimizing the geometry of your assets.

Here are a few suggestions to consider for optimizing your grass:

  1. Cull nonessential: content If the grass is not essential to the gameplay or aesthetic goals in certain areas, you can consider removing or simplifying it in those areas to improve performance.
  2. Use LOD (Level of Detail) models: Implementing LOD models for your grass can help reduce the complexity of the geometry when the grass is far away from the camera. This can significantly improve performance by rendering simpler versions of the grass at a distance.
  3. Utilize Roblox’s terrain system: Instead of using individual parts for grass, you can take advantage of Roblox’s terrain system, which provides built-in grass and foliage options. The terrain system is optimized for performance and can handle large areas of grass more efficiently.
  4. Optimize the grass geometry: If you’re using custom grass models, ensure that they have an optimal vertex count. High vertex counts can impact performance. Simplify the geometry of the grass models by reducing unnecessary vertices or using techniques like billboarding to create the illusion of grass without complex geometry.

Remember, it’s important to test and profile your game’s performance using Roblox Studio’s performance analysis tools to identify specific areas that may be causing performance issues. This will help you make informed decisions on how to optimize your game and improve FPS."


This may help.

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