Multi StarterCharacters - how to make a player chose one or change?


I’m making this game. Where there is a lot of StarterCharacters.

I would somehow like to be able chose between the StarterCharacter on a screen for the players who plays my game. Right now I have a lot of starting places, for each StarterCharacter. And would like to change that.

Are there any wat to make this?

Also Are there any way to make player pick up a accessories (Like a Shoe ex.). and be able to drop it again.

I’m a graphic designer not a scripter, but now a bit of reading scripts. :wink:

Instead of using StarterCharacter, you can try manually setting the player’s character.
Have the starter character be something simple, and put a bool value in it with the name “NotCustom”, just to make the code easier.

local Player = ...
local SelectedCharacter = game.ServerStorage.Characters.LordDwindlewardTheSinister

     if char:FindFirstChild("NotCustom") then
     local Clone = SelectedCharacter:Clone() 
     Clone.Parent = workspace
     Player.Character = Clone

Maybe a very noob question. But where do I put the script.? lol

I suppose you should put it in Server Script Service, idk