Having Trouble with Tables

So I have a table like this:

local petColors = {
	["Cat"] = "FFFFFF",
	["Dog"] = "abffa5",
	["Parrot"] = "52e8ff",

And if I want to find something in that table:

local Color = table.find(petColors, "Cat")
print(Color) -- Output is nil
script.Parent.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHex(Color)

Why am I getting nil?

local petColors = {
	["Cat"] = "FFFFFF",
	["Dog"] = "abffa5",
	["Parrot"] = "52e8ff",

This is a type of table called a dictionary

I think the table methods only work on arrays
Arrays and dictionaries are different because dictionaries have strings as keys and arrays have positive integers as keys

local arrayExample = {

local dictionaryExample = {
  thisIsATest = "abc",
  example = 432424,

You can get the value using the key in dictionaries like this:

local dictionaryExample = {
  ["key"] = "test",
  ["anotherKey"] = 123,

print(dictionaryExample["key"]) -- outputs "test"
print(dictionaryExample["anotherKey"]) -- outputs 123

Thank you for your help and your explanation! <3

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