When i shouls use ConnectParallel

i dont know when to use ConnectParallel can someone say it to me pls thank you!


You should use it when you need that certain event to run parallel.

So like if you have an intensive task that you need to run on another thread


I have a same question, but this really unclear (to me).

Multiple specific examples would helpful. I appreciate it.


Okay uhh let’s say you for some reason need two Heartbeat loops in the same script.

So you’d use ConnectParallel instead of the regular Connect.

This basically “splits up” the task because if it was running on one thread, it would basically be overwhelmed and be way slower and laggier


This isn’t exactly how connect parallel works. For you to even use it you need to have actors which act as threads for your scripts. Usually if you want to run intensive tasks you can do it in parallel which means having several actors that are each doing a separate thing at the same time. An example is terrain generation were each actor would handle loading and de-loading chunks. Here’s the documentation on it: Parallel Luau | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


My fault I forgot about actors being involved.

Yeah you’re right

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