[$300 USD] Hiring Simulator Builder

About The Job
I’m looking for a good low poly builder to build my simulator map. Our build layout will be similar to games like Bubblegum Simulator and Balloon Simulator . You will be creating 4 worlds with 5 different levels for each. As the levels act as checkpoints; levels are small but will have some uniqueness to them.

Further details in the DMs!

Negotiable pay of $300 depending on skill level
PayPal (other methods available)

Contact Us
Contact me on Discord: sofloan#4969
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


do you accept robux ask a payment?
if you do I would like to enter the development for the simulator.

Are there options to build only one world for less payment? Or does one builder have to build everything?

Hey there, I am quite interested in this project and have sent you a friend request on discord by the username Aqua#9353.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Portfolio: https://sites.google.com/view/aquaticfishie/home

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id need the builder to design all the levels, sorry

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Hey, I am down for this project my discord is Lyte#1857 your discord does not work.

The Discord name you gave didn’t work for me, but I would like very much to work on this project. Here’s my portfolio Builder/Modeller bangerz_mash1

Discord: LeBlancGandalf#9957

Please contact me on Discord @RazorBladedino117#5440, I am interested!

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