300k Robux/Dollars for utmost professional help with horrible lag problem!

I think i can help you. It will not be the first time i fix a major lag problem.

If you’re desperate enough, either keep removing parts of the game until its fixed or start a new place and rebuild the project continuously testing it to see when the lag occurs.

I assume if you’re calculating some rather complicated math, you’re using metatables so you don’t have to recalculate the same math problem again?

Curious, did you use Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub at all?

Unless something changed between now and a few months ago, the lag is caused by detailed kart unions straining the clustering system.

Two potential fixes:

  • Decimate the karts
  • Wait for the new magical clustering system (word is it’s shipping soon)

There are no more kart unions, they’re all low poly meshes

There is one SettNetworkOwner in the Kart module

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