30Day access without player being online

Considering OP is trying to sell a subscription-based product,

that isn’t fully viable. The ModuleScript would have to be made public to be able to be used at other places where developers do not have the source code in their inventory.


Yeah, decided to use a minifier then Obfuscate the code, and hope for the best that no one knows how to UnObfuscate without access, and if they do the code is minifised so its harder for them to remove the part of the code which restricts access, once they do ill try my best to remove their access. And for having the subscription, im using a webhook and sends the players data to a discord bot, which will take down how long they have subscribed for, and once the time is up, i manually will remove their access.

Keep in mind that both are temporary solutions at best. Both can be undone with time, because the end user has access to the source.

It’s unfortunate that there’s not much support for closed source resources on-platform and that it’s fairly hard to maintain even if you do achieve it, but I don’t really think ModuleScripts were intended for that. They certainly got close but unfortunately the abuse of said feature by people looking for a kick through the fall of others just meant that the benefits didn’t outweigh the risk in that model.

If your hiding method seems to work for you, then that’s not my business to impede on. Good luck with your project.


Thank you.

Right now… im hoping it works, wild throw though, the chances of a developer getting the planekit for free are pretty high ngl haha. Anything you would suggest i should do otherwise?

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I don’t have any suggestions, really. I typically make my own assets and never have a need to perform anything further than just writing the code in a script.

I wouldn’t be the right person to ask about these kinds of things.

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Just purchased Synapse(exploit) due to its complex Obfuscator.

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