Users that have names that start the same cannot whisper to eachother with TextChatService

I was trying to test whisper channel customization using TextChatService using one of my alt accounts and it shows that I cannot whisper them at all

It also goes the other way around where my alt account not being able to whisper my main of “HunterDaFloofer”.

If you want to try it; have one account with your display name of your alt but with an extra character at the very end.

Expected behavior

I can whisper to people who have the start of my name in it. There are plenty of people with just the display name “Hunter” that I cannot whisper to.

This is why I’d like to use the whisper command with usernames as well


Hello, thank you for reporting! I’ve tried to reproduce with some accounts matching what you described but so far no luck.

You mentioned that you were trying to test whisper channel customization, can I ask what you did to customize?

This also affects TextChannels that are two different instances but have the same name. If a player is in a TextChannel named “Group”, and there is another TextChannel instance also named “Group” that the player is NOT in, they are treated as the same channel and the player can see the chat in each channel.

This is problematic for games that allow players to create a custom TextChannel, or if you want multiple TextChannels named “My Team”, but different players are in each one.

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The whisper channel customization was only the prefix name looks. It uses the default system but a script that checks for added channels that are not RBXGeneral or RBXSystem. There is no changes in how whisper channels are created as it still uses RBXWhisperCommand with no added connections.