FREE game icon - Snowman simulator

Hi everyone, I created a game icon for a challenge for the Italian community.

Since it is an icon created exclusively for the challenge and does not concern any specific game, I decided to give it away and make it public.

I authorize you to use it for your games even for commercial purposes freely as long as you WRITE BELOW IF YOU USE IT.

Optionally small credits I would love :slight_smile: but they are not necessary

Made with :heart: by MattQ


Sure I think I’ll create a game off this and use it! Thanks alot! By the way, do I have to be Italian to use it? Just want to make sure. :+1:

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nah lol everyone can use it, It was only created for the challenge but I didn’t win :frowning:

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this looks great, how much would you charge for an icon like this

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not too much, i’m doing rn my first commissions

until now i’ve been only a solo dev and now I started to work for other people

Alrighty, thanks!

Also, you did a really good job with it :slight_smile:

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are you currently open for work? also around what range you charge?

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yeah if you want an icon like that contact me on discord nickname: mattqdev or just enter in my server and dm me. The price range is between 350-450 robux.