3D Import Recap [Apr - May 2023]

Thank you for the link, that was an interesting read. Unfortunate news that this is due to multi-platform support, but I’m glad that the platform acknowledges that this is less than ideal and they’re looking into potential alternatives and solutions. I’m praying for more creative freedom on our side in the future.


Recently encountered strange functionality. Not sure if it’s intended or a bug so, I’ll just post it here. If you open up a fresh place, never save it and then, try to import an fbx without putting it in your inventory, nothing happens. It says it’s successful but, there’s no model in workspace, and no mesh in the game window.

Entirely possible that I’m looking in the wrong place. My assumption is that it should upload to the workspace like it always has.

Secondly, I would love to have a feature that either:

  • Let’s me rename my meshes (so I don’t have mesh_1, mesh_2, etc)

  • Lets me override (or provides an option) if the current mesh if the same is the same. Roblox clutter in my inventory (specifically with uploading meshes) is one of the most frustrating issues on this platform. It’s hard to find things. And there’s only so many names I can call something before I forget what it is.

Outside of all that, nice update.


.blend and .3ds are absolutely too software specific, they’re project files!!! They contain all of the raw settings and whatnot for the project alongside the geometry, trying to import the geometry from them would be a nightmare!!! Just stick with exporting normally


We have seen this happening, but not consistently, if you have a file that consistently causes this issue would you mind DMing it to me?

For renaming, you should be able to edit the name of the node in the settings page, that will rename the generated MeshPart? Is this not working?

Finally for reusing duplicate meshes, this is a very important feature that we are looking into, however it needs collaboration between a bunch of teams at Roblox to solve properly and probably won’t happen immediately. But it is something we are interested in solving.


Thanks for the report! We’ll look into this for sure.


This? Versioning Models with 3D Importer


This makes a lot of sense, it’s not the easiest thing to support, but we will consider this issue as we work on improving the UX over the next few months. We are reworking a lot of systems behind the scenes, and resuming a failed import might be something we can support down the line.


Are you talking about something like a read-only MeshPart property that just shows you the triangle count? It’s an interesting idea; it wouldn’t really be owned by the teams working on import, but we can certainly surface it to the relevant people.


Exactly! Yes please.
Some use cases:

  • Showing how many triangles are in your current selection
  • Displaying scene budgets for devs! (You are using 500k of 1m tris)
  • Heat maps

Many things :slight_smile:


Being able to do a heat map would be fantastic for optimization-focused developers


Perhaps that’s what I saw then, does this update the actual model or does it add a new model to your inventory and update the package?


The model and the package are the same thing. Updates to a package update the model itself.

For example, if you import 3 times, updating the package with each import, you will only have 1 model in your inventory, not 3


Will there ever be a way to combat these “Unable to import” problems? For example, a retry button?


I have tried multiple blank, fresh new places (~5) and it’s always the same repro as:

It appears to only work if I upload my place file to my profile. It will not work if I don’t (local place file).

I went to rename a mesh that I have and it just uploaded “NAME (1)” instead of “NAME”. If I use the old importer, it does the same. I thought this was just feature parity.

Appreciate it and thank you for the responses. I understand these things take time. At-least there’s some form of consideration.


Piggy-backing off of this: Descriptive errors would better benefit the user experience.


They’re awesome !!
If I may ask, what was the software used ?
And did you do the animation inside Roblox too ?
I need to make them for my game … so very interested.


Thanks for explaining, I’ll have a play with it, I wasn’t aware that’s how it worked, so the models in my inventory are packages that have been created by the importer.


Hmm, it’s difficult to know what the cause of the error is through the Bulk Import UI. Try using the 3D Importer in the ribbon bar of the Home Tab. The errors there can usually be accompanied by more descriptive errors to let you know what went wrong!


Simplify has this lil problem.


Very happy to see this set of words from Roblox. :+1: