3D Import Recap Mar-Apr 2024

I’ve been using the 3d importer more recently and noticed I can’t change collision groups in the menu that pops-up, rather I need to do that after importing. It might be a good quality of life thing to be able to set collision groups in the importer. It’s not a big thing, but yeah.

That looks like the default color of the StyleSheet. StyleSheets https://devforum.roblox.com/t/what-are-your-early-thoughts-about-the-unfinished-new-ui-styling-feature-css-in-roblox-studio/2864258

@NoobFragged can you DM me your rig and i’ll take a look?

I’m curious why you are doing this. The animations should have been uploaded to the Toolbox on import. Is this purely to edit them? I want to make sure we support this workflow if there’s an alternative reason.

IF I use Avatar Importer and I import a skinned mesh FBX with animations in it, those animations ARE uploaded to the toolbox. However, NONE of them work properly. The skinned mesh and the animations end up with opposing directions, making it so that when I play the animation, they flip the skinned mesh around 180 degrees and play the animation backward. I’ve had this happen with every skinned mesh I’ve ever imported with the Avatar Importer (I’ve lost count, but dozens at minimum).

Therefore, the only way to get the animations to actually import properly is to use the Animation Importer inside Animation Editor afterward, which actually imports the animation correctly to match the avatar.

When you use the Animation Importer, there’s an option to select:

I can click “Selected”, and that animation will import properly.

My first guess was that Roblox was flipping the mesh when I imported it, so I tried flipping it 180 degrees and then re-exporting it, but this persisted no matter what, even if I rotated the mesh but not the animations or any of multiple ways I attempted to export/import it.

I have yet to get the Avatar Importer to import animations properly, but the Animation Importer inside Animation Editor works perfectly.

This issue is not with Roblox normal avatar rigs, though it does apply to my custom avatar, so it’s not a standard rig, it applies to skinned meshes with animations. They are not like R15 or anything like that.

Not really for editing, it’s just how I have to get them to work.
I import them then publish them.
The ones in the toolbox by default never work for me, and the number of rigs this has applied to has been more than I can recall.

I keep having the same issues with failed uploads. It’s really frustrating and it’s been going on for a while! I contacted roblox support because frankly I was tired of waiting.

Support, what is the point of seamless updating meshes, but without option to modify part material or color… we need to work with Plastic, or else we loose the benefits of blender uploader