3D Layered Clothing is Now Available!

Ok this might make e return to always using Robloxion 2.0
The fact it fits so well, I just am amazed of this.


So where do we get a model to build the clothes off of? Like is there a body template somewhere we can use for blender like a mannequin?


Ok… I just tested it out on non-rthro characters (you know, the avatar types that people actually use). And uh… some of the clothes look ok! The rest however make you look like you’ve eaten nothing but chips for the past year. Like seriously, if Roblox wants layered clothing accessible for all avatar types, then fixing this should be their top priority. That’s not even the worst of it, actually. Put the shoes on any non-rthro character and it’ll look like your feet got thrown into a blender.

Overall, layered clothing has a lot of potential, and I really love the idea. It’s just that it’s so darn glitchy with non-rthro avatars. I mean, let’s face it: people aren’t gonna switch to Rthro because of layered clothing. Roblox knows this, they know Rthro has failed, and yet they keep trying to revive it. If they aimed layered clothing more towards the other avatar types, it would be a lot more popular.


The potential of not only implementing layered clothing into Roleplay & RPG-esque games, but also just extremely wacky looking characters is super strong and tempting. This is probably going to be one of the best updates in a long while that is all encompassing as well as pretty epic.


HSR doesn’t work in games that have team create enabled, even in live servers

live server in a team create enabled game

live server without team create enabled


Hello developers!

We are happy to announce that the LoadCharacterLayeredClothing Default is now set to Enabled on all experiences. Experiences with LoadCharacterLayeredClothing enabled will allow layered clothing and accessories to be equipped to avatar characters :coat:

If you wish to opt-out of this feature for your experience, set your StarterPlayer property LoadCharacterLayeredClothing to Disabled.

If you have already opted out of the layered clothing feature, your LoadCharacterLayeredClothing will remain set to Disabled.

As always, please let us know if you run into any bugs or issues.

Known Issue

We have identified a rare issue that can prevent the equipped layered clothing item from deforming to the avatar. This edge case can happen if you are using a local script that changes the humanoid hierarchy.

Temporary Workaround

While it is unlikely that you will experience this issue (we estimate it’s less than 1% of places), we would like to provide a temporary workaround until it is patched next week.

The deformation issue can be solved by adding a wait prior to applying the local script. This will allow the player model to completely load before applying the Layered Clothing item. You can accomplish this by using the code below or by using this example script:

LCLocalAttachmentExample.rbxl (66.2 KB).


script:WaitForChild("Folder").Parent = script.Parent:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")


Finally, it’s fairly coming soon!


This can be considerer a glitch?
In Some clothes, it doesnt rightly detect where the outercage ends to make it transparent

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Can you show me that game? I want to test it out if it actually problem.

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Untrue,How did you came with this information?

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When was the last time you saw someone who was using rthro? And I’m not counting the noobs who wear the free packages.

people actually use rthro quite often, I find uses for the packages all the time.


Would you be able to share a place file that demonstrates this issue ?


The only use I see for the packages is trolling.

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Are there any tutorials that apply to roblox’s system of layering? I would like to start learning how to make these clothes in blender however I don’t know which tutorials to follow.


The size of the avatar is one major thing i see players use it for. however this can often lead to glitches, disguises, an almost invisible avatar, and an altered hitbox. These aren’t the goals roblox has for them, but it does serve a purpose.


There are 5 jackets in the catalog that are available to purchase for free.

@Forummer noticed it.



Roblox took them offsale, probably because of a bug


Strange, good thing I got it in time



Hey,i saw it became on sale.
