(55%) Looking for a clothing designer

im looking for a partner on my new group (i didn’t create the group yet!) I can do the graphical things (Group icon, ads, etc) contact me for more information.


  • Clothing Designer “55%
  • Manager (me) “45%

Contact Me

Discord: Juice#0789
Twitter: JuusesGFX


I don’t make clothes, but I think you should save 5-10% for ads and maybe to hire a builder (with what you said, I think you are doing a group of clothes and many have clothing stores)

good luck searching and have a nice day!

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What’s good bro, I can make some clothing for yall as I got some experience myself in in cloth making
Here is my portfolio: Deleted post. L

I’m in the Uk so times may differ but hit me up on discord (in my portfolio) :grinning:

i dont see any clothing you made did you send a wrong link?

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the 45% of mine its gonna be for advertising and hiring the others but the 55% its full for the designer

I sent u a friend request accept it and I’ll show you

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