Note Release: 9/4/20
During the 443 days in which the ONC Release Notes have existed, we’ve always used a JPEG image format to write and publish these Release Notes. We knew from the start that this was a very inefficient method of communicating with all of you fellow Noobsters, especially for those who do not have access to our social media accounts such as Twitter, but we did not have any other choice at the time we released this feature. Now, however, we have finally acquired a new method to communicate with you all, and that’s through the official Roblox DevForum! So, as part of this new accessibility that has been granted, we have decided to migrate our ONC Release Notes to the Roblox DevForum! From this point onwards, we will publish all of our ONC Release Notes through the Roblox DevForum! We believe this’ll allow for more efficient and easier communication with all of you.
First off, using the Roblox DevForum to post these Release Notes will allow for easier reading of these Release Notes. For example, before our migration to the DevForum, we used to use the JPEG image format which came with many limitations. These limitations included the fact that people who viewed these Release Notes with smaller devices, such as phones, would have to squint their eyes and zoom into the images to read them. The words were also convoluted since we had to fit a whole bunch of words into one image file. With this new method of publishing Release Notes, this limitation should become something of the past. Additionally, the JPEG image format also constrained us to only being able to publish these Release Notes within our social media accounts. This is a problem since we’re wanting to share this information with our WHOLE community. This migration to the Roblox DevForum also allows for easier accessibility to both our new and old Release Notes. If you wish to view our old Release Notes, you may do so through the ONC Release Notes Archive which is updated upon every new Release Note that is published.
With this being said, we hope you all find this migration useful! We’d also like to let you all know that this change is part of a HUGE series of changes, new features, and modifications to pre-existing features which is going to come in full effect over the next 8 months. We believe these upcoming changes will be revolutionary, and they will change the ONC forever. More information on this will come at a later date, so stay tuned to our Twitter and Youtube pages for the latest information! We hope you have a good day fellow Noobsters!