October 22, 2023, 9:16am
This resource is about an 8-way directional movement system with only 1 animation for walking. You need to import the RBXM into your game to use it.
Here’s footage of it working:
Note: This requires shift-lock or first person lock
IMPORTANT NOTE : There are 3 stuff you need to move
1 - Move the Normal script (Server script) into ServerScriptService
2 - Move the Local Script (Client script) into StarterCharacterScripts
3 - Move the Remote Event into ReplicatedStorage
Updates Log:
V2 Update:
now it replicates to all players smoothly
Here’s the file too:
DirectionalLegsNEW.rbxm (4.4 KB)
October 22, 2023, 9:20am
Wow, a very helpful tutorial. How do I install a #resources:community-resources …
October 22, 2023, 9:26am
There i changed it to Community Resource
this is neat, thanks for making this.
October 22, 2023, 9:31am
You made a very good joke which made me laugh
love this so much bro you save me alot of time
November 15, 2023, 11:57pm
This is pretty cool, I will probably look at it since my 4 directional anim code is messy maybe there’s something to learn from here
-- Convert data to CFrame
local AngleCFrame = CFrame.fromEulerAngles(0, self.state.angle + math.rad(180), 0)
local WishDirCFrame = CFrame.fromEulerAngles(0,MathUtils:PlayerVecToAngle(wishDir) + math.rad(180),0)
-- Get dot products
local LookDotProduct = AngleCFrame.LookVector:Dot(WishDirCFrame.LookVector)
local RightDotProduct = AngleCFrame.RightVector:Dot(WishDirCFrame.LookVector)
-- Pick Animation
if LookDotProduct > 0.4 then
self.characterData:PlayAnimation(Enums.Anims.FrontWalk, Enums.AnimChannel.Channel0, false)
elseif RightDotProduct > 0.6 then
self.characterData:PlayAnimation(Enums.Anims.RightWalk, Enums.AnimChannel.Channel0, false)
elseif RightDotProduct < -0.6 then
self.characterData:PlayAnimation(Enums.Anims.LeftWalk, Enums.AnimChannel.Channel0, false)
elseif LookDotProduct < -0.4 then
self.characterData:PlayAnimation(Enums.Anims.BackWalk, Enums.AnimChannel.Channel0, false)
when i play it works without shiftlock or fp. but nice!
1 Like
Okay, so I know I’m insanely late. BUT, is there a way to make it so it doesn’t look weird when your not in shiftlock and for example pressing D, and moving straight the legs will go into a right direction instead of forwards. I will explain further if needed
[Leg Controller Banner]
What Is Leg Controller?
Leg Controller is an object-oriented programming (OOP) based module that is designed to solve the common problem of static/boring leg movement in Roblox games/experiences. Furthermore, by using Leg Controller, you can allocate your time to more important aspects of your game/experience such as combat systems/gun systems and general gameplay.
Why should I use Leg Controller?
Versatile: Leg Controller is versatile meaning that it can fit rig…
I use this one, and it works fine for me. You can disable the IK.
February 15, 2025, 6:45am
this doesn’t use hip rotation tho, as the torso stays still which brings back the unrealistic-ness problem of having leg movement
1 Like
February 15, 2025, 6:47am
a video clip perhaps or a screenshot thats clear
Honestly, I think you can add the leaning separately if you want it but fair enough.
Yes, sorry I should have shown this first.
1 Like
February 18, 2025, 4:28pm
It requires shift lock tho I might have removed that from the description of the post, I’ll add it
Maybe you can somehow get it to work with Humanoid.MoveDirection
? If you manage to do that, the issue should be fixed.
1 Like
February 19, 2025, 4:19pm
I do know a way but tbh I don’t really want to update this resource as I’m not that free
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