Roblox-Rojo-Bundle - Concatenate and Minify all your script’s dependencies

Roblox-Rojo-Bundle is a Rojo project template that facilitates the development and build of Roblox projects. It allows you to concatenate and minify all your script’s dependencies.



How to use in a new project

If you are starting a new project, just clone that repository and, if you wish, publish to your private repository

In the terminal, install the dependencies with npm install

For execution and build see the topic Workflow

How to use in an existing Rojo project

IMPORTANT! Make a backup of your project before

If you already use Rojo, copy the files build.json, build.js and package.json to your project.

The build.js file uses the Rojo configuration file (default.project.json), make a comparison with your configuration file

In the terminal, install the dependencies with npm install

For execution and build see the topic Workflow



During the development of your project you will use the root directory. Just start the
rojo serve through the terminal and connect to Roblox Studio.

This project configures Rojo (default.project.json) as follows:

Local Roblox Description
src/Client StarterPlayerScripts Your client-side scripts
src/Server ServerScriptService Your server-side scripts
src/Shared ReplicatedStorage Common modules, which can be used by the client and the server
src/Workspace game.Workspace Never put scripts here
src/ServerStorage ServerStorage Avoid placing scripts here, prefer src/Server
src/CharacterScripts StarterCharacterScripts Avoid placing scripts here, prefer src/Client


After developing its functionality, just generate the build (npm run-script build or node. / Build.js) and test it in Roblox Studio.

After that, in the build directory run rojo serve and connect via Roblox Studio


After carrying out the local tests and ensuring that nothing has broken, you can copy only the generated/minified scripts to the final Place and finally publish this on Roblox.


The build.json file has the following configuration parameters:

   "minify": true,
   "maxSize": 153600,
   "compressStrings": true,
   "compressFields": true,
   "entries": [
   "dontIgnoreVarDir": [


  • minify : Indicates whether the build should be minified. Use false for debugging and troubleshooting
  • maxSize : Preferences for the maximum size of the generated files. If the files concatenation is greater than this value, build.js automatically breaks into smaller pieces. Roblox imposes a limitation of ~ 195.3Kb (199999 bytes) for strings, and therefore for Scripts created by Rojo. The default value is 150 * 1024 = 153600.
  • compressStrings : When true it makes the safe replacement of all existing strings in the code. If the replacement result is to generate a larger code, that specific replacement is ignored
  • compressFields : When true it makes the safe substitution of the attributes of variables existing in the code. If the replacement result is to generate a larger code, that specific replacement is ignored
  • entries : The input scripts. It is recommended that your game has only one main file on the client and another on the server side. The configuration of other main files can be useful for the generation of custom builds to be used as tools (Ex. Generate a build of your engine that has only the part that animates the weapons to facilitate the work of an animator, who can use this minimal script to do the tests, without the need to run the entire project)
  • dontIgnoreVarDir : The build script, when it identifies that a variable is a directory, by default it removes it from the final script. This behavior is expected since we generally save directories as variables just to make it easier to use multiple require. However, sometimes our script will actually use that directory. Here you must indicate which directories should not be ignored in the final script
    • Ex:
      -- The "UtilServices" variable is only used to facilitate the import of scripts, 
      -- so it must be removed
      local UtilServices = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Utils')
      local MyUtilService = require(UtilServices:WaitForChild('MyUtilService'))
      local MyMathService = require(UtilServices:WaitForChild('MyUtilService'))
    • Ex2:
      -- The "Meshes" variable in this case is a directory used by the GetMesh method 
      -- so it must remain
      local Meshes = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Meshes')
      local function GetMesh(name, clone)
         local mesh = Meshes:FindFirstChild(name)

Frequently Asked Questions and Problems

  • I need to debug
    • If the generation of minified files caused problems, edit the build.json file and set minify = false. After that, perform a new build (npm run-script build), start rojo serve and connect via Roblox Studio. This way it will be easier to identify the problem that is happening.
  • Rojo generated an empty file in Roblox Studio
    • The generated file size goes over 195kb, change the maxSize setting to a smaller value and redo the build
  • Rojo doesn’t work
  • Minification error
  • The MeshId property of the MeshPart is empty
    • Yes, this is a headache. It is not possible to modify the MeshId via Script, so Rojo cannot create the objects. To get around this problem I use the following strategies:
    1. If the Mesh can be replaced with a SpecialMesh, I use this
    2. If not, I export my Meshes to the Meshes directory (In Roblox Studio, right click on the object Save to file ..., format Roblox XML Model files .rbxmx)
      • Whenever in the code I need to use a Mesh, in Roblox Studio I import .rbxmx into the ReplicatedStorage/Meshes directory (Right button Insert from file ...) and in my code I use the GetMesh method which is available at src/Shared/Meshes/GetMesh.lua
  • A dependency is being duplicated at each entry point (entries)
    • Yes, this is the default behavior. Unfortunately in the current model it is not possible to reference a module without concatenating it in the final script. This build process assumes that each entry point is an independent, self-contained flow.
    • A solution to your problem can be: Make the other script being used as an entry point into a ModuleScript and import it into the main script (single entry point). In this way, the dependencies will be shared


You can contribute in many ways to this project.

Translating and documenting

I’m not a native speaker of the English language, so you may have noticed a lot of grammar errors in this documentation.

You can FORK this project and suggest improvements to this document (Sign in to GitHub · GitHub).

If you find it more convenient, report a issue with the details on GitHub issues.

Reporting Issues

If you have encountered a problem with this component please file a defect on GitHub issues.

Describe as much detail as possible to get the problem reproduced and eventually corrected.

Fixing defects and adding improvements

  1. Fork it (
  2. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  3. Push to your master branch (git push)
  4. Create a new Pull Request


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.


This seems interesting, but I don’t get what this actually does. What benefit does it give me for using Rojo with this? What does it exactly do to my scripts?

The most important point, BUILD. It is similar to the Webpack, but for Roblox projects. The build concatenates and minifies all the dependencies of a script. In the image below, on the left side my source code (68 files), on the right side the generated build (2 files).

The code generated by the build simulates the native import mechanism (require), even maintaining the order in which the modules are loaded. To test this, just set minify = false in the configuration file and check the result in the build directory

This process has some benefits
1 - Simplifies the game’s deployment. In the final place you just need to paste the minified scripts (in my case 2, one for the server and one for the client) [ps. It’s recommended that you set up a Roblox account dedicated to deploying your game instead of your personal account in case your security cookie is compromised)
2 - Decrease the size of the scripts, decreasing the loading time of your game
3 - It makes it difficult to reverse engineer your code if a malicious user tries to do it
4 - Allows you to create special entry points, which can be used as tools. For example, in my case, I have an entry point that only has as a dependency the modules responsible for the weapon’s animations (shooting, reloading, etc.). I use the build of this entry point to work on the configuration of the weapons, which I do using a different Place (each weapon is a Place). After finishing the maintenance on the weapon, I export it and import it into the main place.

In addition to the build, I share in the template a part of my workflow with Rojo, which has worked for me and can be useful for those who want to start a Rojo project. For those who already use Rojo, if you are not interested in the build process (sometimes the code has so many Client Scripts that it is almost impossible to apply this Build), the project can serve as a comparison for your own workflow (knowledge is never too much)


Update v1.1

Added the parameters compressStrings and compressFields that allow to generate a smaller code. When true, these parameters safely replace the string and attribute names of variables in use.

I was looking for something like this! I thought I was going to have to make my own. It seems very similar to Webpack, which was what I was going for. Thank you!

Is this project still maintained? I’m looking to use this but not sure if it will still receive updates and such.

Are they any alternatives that are more constantly maintained than this?