Knights of The Sun Lore [Part 4]: The War Times [Completed]

The years begin in at Z.E. (Zarek Area). The time before that is know as B.Z.E. (Before Zarek Era).

The Ancient Library (Z.E. 3680)

After a few weeks of preparing William took his forces up into the high mountains, where there was said to be an ancient library. The Journey was tough and claimed many lives, but finally they made it to the summit. Here they found the large library filled with multiple lifetimes of knowledge. They learned Skorlar’s story, (which you can read about in Lore Document #1) and they learned of his hatred of the Solarian bloodline, the bloodline from which William had come from. But as the were leaving Skorlar and his forces showed up in the hopes of destroying the library. As the two armies clashed Skorlar cast one of his evil spells upon a few of the Knights, this included Astro, Strike, Ktank, and many more, this spell caused them to turn and attack their allies. The William’s forces had to be careful not to hurt their friends, but also to defeat them, for even if they had been corrupted, they still fought very well. Finally, one of the generals, Cursed, got the chance to attack Skorlar directly, thus he took it and knocked him to the ground. The old Sun Lord yelled, and called for his forces to retreat, and he undid his spell upon the knights. He left screaming behind his shoulder: “You may have won this time, but it won’t be so easy next time you see me!”. After the battle William stayed up in the mountains for one more week so that his army could recover, and then they went back down to their Outpost in Midus. The time was coming when they could reclaim Ignus…

The Raid Upon Ignus (Z.E. 3681)

The year had turned from 3680 to 3681, when William and his forces were ready to reclaim their home. Although they had been doing all they could to protect Eshia without a foothold like Ignus, they would have to reclaim the city to fully defend the country, therefor they began their march towards the great city. The journey took them two weeks, but they made it without too much trouble. They began their bombardment on the city with canon fire upon the gate. Every day for about a week they would wake up and continue their bombardment. But finally the gate came crashing down, and the army entered the city… one year after it had been taken from them. They ran through the streets, killing all of the Ovum Forces that resided inside of the city. This is where they split up. William took a small group of knights out toward to castle to destroy Skorlar while Mine and Cursed continued the main ground assault.

The Battle on the ground:

While William was charging through the Ovum Zombies to get to the castle Mine and Cursed were fight valiantly to reclaim their home. Many soldiers came upon them and the army but they fought them all off. Then there came Giants. Great man eating giants that had to be kept in cages so that they would not attack their own forces. They came wrecking houses and shops.

As they came closer Mine jumped upon a house and yelled: “Giants! They have released giants! We need 20 men per giant! Do not let them push you into a big group because if you do they will all come together and swing at us eliminating many in one swoop!” After the army formed into smaller groups and spread out, so that when the Giants arrived they were ready for them. The battle went on, sometimes there were giants and sometimes there were normal forces. This made the fight confusing for the knights for they did not know whether to be one large group or a bunch of smaller ones. This is how the battle went.

The Journey To The Castle:

William led his forces through the Ovum army, and up into the main courtyard of the castle where a large ovum defense force laid.

“Knights! Hear your orders: Joo, Strike, Boomian, Hex, Jay, Astro, come with me! You others, keep this force here and don’t let them enter the castle and disturb our fight with Skorlar! He goes down today!” William yelled. And in response they all cheered the Sun Knight Moto, ‘For the Sun!’.

William and those named ran into the castle as the remaining forces held off the Ovum. We went strait from the gate to the throne room where Skorlar sat, awaiting us.

The battle was tough and Astro fell to Skorlars blade… but in the end… they were victorious. They had destroyed Skorlar and his army and reclaimed the throne!

The Direct Aftermath:

After this, William and the Knights of The Sun rebuilt Ignus and all of the cities that had been attacked, and reestablished the power of their kingdom. They also continued to fight a war against the Ovum who had attacked them. This would not end for a long time after this, but you shall hear that story later.

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