A-Chassis model freaking out when collision turned on(nvm fixed lol idk how to delete post lor help me lord )

not too sure where to go with this problem but every time my car model has cancollide set to true-
(to prevent people from running inside a players car idk not importantanyways)- it freaks out when ever some one pushes the car or moves inside the car, as in it starts flinging itself and whatnot.
from the looks of it has somthing to do with the wheels but iv messed with the custom physical properties stuff and still no results,
everything else works, car drives fine just this one problem
idk how to fix it or if it even is fixable but would i like to hear back from some people who know what they actually doing as i clearly dont lolol
and yes this is the a-chassis from the toolbox not a custom made one.

(forgive the video being on phone i dont own a screen recorder and im too lazy to install one)

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