A Ghost Warning?

Hi guys. I am very confused by this now. I am using Datastore2 and when I published my game to my group and playtested the group one in studio this warning persisted:
(DataStore request was added to queue. If request queue fills, further requests will be dropped. Try sending fewer requests.Key = Index)

I tried removing ALL the possible datastore scripts. Warning still showed.
I even deleted the WHOLE GAME. (Removed ALL scripts). Warning still showed.

But… when I went over to the same exact game created under MY GAMES and not GROUP GAMES, it worked fine!

What is going on here?!

bro can you search the warning first
ive heard that so many times on dev forum

Bro u gotta read what I said properly.

I have already seen this post before I posted.

Why does this error happen when everything in the game is removed then?

What I mean is, there is absolutely NOTHING causing this warning. But it is still popping up.

you sure you removed all scripts
admins can also cause this

What do you mean admin? I literally cleared out the whole game. I’m left with a blank baseplate and all the basic stuff for studio to run.

then a plugin is probably doing it

As of 2022, this is still occuring and is most likely a plugin for me
Since this topic is from 2020, I bet it’s not ProfileService’s fault so yea, it is a plugin