This list is not in order, in fact it’s out of order, they’ve came from roblox studio, roblox client and many resources on the main site.
Allow: GET
This will return a json version of your usersettings, and will expose some hidden propeties such as clientIP and userblock models
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
This will return a list of accepted countries that your account can have.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
This will return the current IsAccountRestrictionsEnabled boolean.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: POST
This endpoint handles the response for gamecards when purchasing with them.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | pin | int64 | The pin of the gamecard you are using. |
Query | cachebuster | int16 | Not sure. |
Allow: GET
This endpoint checks if the ToS should be shown
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | isLicensingTermsCheckNeeded | Boolean | Not sure. |
Allow: GET
Fun captcha cdn loader.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: POST
Redeems a gift card (?)
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | ap | int16 | Not sure. |
Query | pm | String | Payment-Method. |
Query | selectedUpsellProductId | int32 | ProductId |
Allow: POST
Payments using roblox gift cards
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | ap | int16 | Not sure. |
Allow: POST
Payment methods.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | ap | int16 | Not sure. |
Allow: POST
Purchases using PayPal
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | ap | int16 | Not sure. |
Allow: POST
Purchases using creditCard
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | ap | int16 | Not sure. |
Allow: GET
Robux product policy.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Premium features products
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Premium features user subscriptions
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Path | userId | int64 | UserId of the user you wish to find the subscriptions of, the must be the authenticated user. |
Allow: GET
Analytics tracing image, will redirect to
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | m | String | Not sure. |
Query | s | String | Not sure. |
Allow: GET
Returns your current private message privacy.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Returns your current content-restriction status
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Returns your current game chat privacy.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Returns your current app chat privacy.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Returns your current follow me privacy.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Returns your current Private server invite privacy.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Returns your current Account Country.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: POST
Content delivery.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | d | String | Not sure. |
Query | t | String | Not sure. |
Allow: GET
Get the current users transactions.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Blog’s favicon cdn
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | v | int16 | Has no affect over the response. |
Allow: GET
Get the recent items that your avatar worn.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
Get’s the userId’s inventory by the filter.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | assetTypeId | int16 | The type of asset to filter by. |
Query | cursor | String | If the response has multiple pages, use this to paginate towards the next set of response data. |
Query | itemsPerPage | int16 | How many items per page to show, cannot go above 100. |
Query | pageNumber | int16 | Similar to pageCursors, except you are using an absolute number unlike an array of characters. |
Query | userId | int64 | The userId of the user you wish to view the inventory of, they must have it on public or else this will respond with a 401. |
Allow: GET
Get a list of settings groups
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: GET
The user’s giftcard credit
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: POST
Payment via vantiv
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Allow: POST
Report event when it happens, analytics once again.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | name | String | Name of the event to report, so far I’ve recorded LoginFunCaptcha_Success, WebsiteLogin_Success, WebsiteLogin_Attempt, WebsiteLogin_FirstAttempt, WebsiteLogin_Captcha, LoginFunCaptcha_Triggered, Vantiv_IFrameRequest_Attempt, Vantiv_IFrameRequest_Sucess, WebsiteAccountSettingsPolicy_Attempt, WebsiteAccountSettingsPolicy_Success, XsollaCreditDebitCards_Succeeded, LoginFunCaptcha_Initialized and LoginFunCaptcha_Displayed. |
Allow: POST
Report event with statistics when it happens, analytics once again.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | name | String | Name of the event to report, so far I’ve recorded ResourcePerformance_Loaded_funcaptcha_Computer, LoginFunCaptcha_SolveTime_Success. |
Query | value | Number | Statistic value to report with. |
Allow: POST
Roblox support statistics tracking
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | locale | String | Locale of language to format the response in. |
Allow: GET
Returns nothing but reports an event. Basically set’s up something for the .PLATFORM.ID
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | t | String | “Topic” to report analytics towards. Eg client
Query | ctx | String | “Context” to report analytics towards. Eg ABTestService
Query | evt | String | “Event” to report analytics towards. Eg ABTestStatus_Pending
Query | SD.Platform.CT | String | “PlatformCT” to report analytics for. |
Query | .Platform.ID | String | “PlatformID” to report analytics for. |
Allow: GET
Returns an image and reports an event. Basically set’s up something for the STUDIOSID
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | studioSid | String | StudioSessionId to report analytics for. |
Query | clientID | String | ClientID to report analytics for. |
Query | userID | int64 | userId of user to report analytics for. |
Query | placeID | int64 | PlaceId of place to report analytics for. |
Query | category | String | “Category” to report analytics towards. Eg Event
Query | evt | String | “Event” to report analytics towards. Eg StudioUserAction
Query | label | String | “Label” to report analytics towards. Eg gridSizeToFourAction
Query | value | Number | Value of some sort of statistic to report with. |
Query | platform | String | The platform to report analytics towards. Eg 64bit
Allow: POST
Increment some sort of server statistic.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | apiKey | String | apiKey in order to report analytics. Current one is 76e5a40c-3ae1-4028-9f10-7c62520bd94f
Allow: POST
Add batch sort of server statistics.
Type | Name | Value Type | Description |
Query | apiKey | String | apiKey in order to report analytics. Current one is 76e5a40c-3ae1-4028-9f10-7c62520bd94f
There will be a lot more endpoints added to this when I remember how to reproduce them to get the parameters.