A milestone for the future of Creator Resources

The new site and unification of developer tools is a good idea, but the new UI is still lacking. One of my biggest complaints the lack of a light mode on the docs and dashboard. There are quite a few other UI issues that others have brought up as well. Overall, good change, as long as Roblox commits to continually improving the site.

P.S: the talent hub portion needs a lot of work.


Not a fan over the domain changes.

I feel like the forum should stay at it’s current spot, and create.roblox.com/talent is a bit more annoying to type out than talent.roblox.com

Talent hub still needs a ton of work anyways, and the creations page isn’t perfect.


alternative title: changing the forum’s url in order to avoid paying $5 a year. Made a worse experience to save what? Like 5 bucks a year? You’re a multi billion cooperation and can’t pay $5 a year on a domain?


Pleeassseee do this Roblox. I’m so tired of being flashbanged by the old page. I don’t see why the old page shouldn’t be redirected to the new one.

What? Why is changing the domain bad?

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While I’m all for having everything in one place, I’d much prefer we fully test this one stop solution on all devices, as currently mobile usage of these listed sites (with the exception of the DevForum) is a mess.

Currently, everything from Documentation to the Talent Hub is very hard to use on mobile devices. Sometimes to the point where we can’t access certain sections on mobile. For creators like myself who must have access to these sites constantly for communication, switching from mobile view to desktop view is not intuitive.

Here are just a few examples of what I’ve experienced on a daily basis:

I love the idea of having everything in one place, I’d just prefer that the one place be heavily tested on all devices before rolling them out as our only option.


Will we be able to edit specific experience places and not only the starter place of an experience? because it’s currently not possible in the new dashboard.

I’m pretty sure it is sorted
Same order as the old documentation

My bad, I didn’t mean to say Datatypes

I was referring to the user-friendly sorting UI for Classes both for grouped and tree diagrams.


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We know if changes creator resources of devforum, they amount people for developing creator be changing (including URL links).

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Subdomains are free from post providers actually, so it’s not money. More likely it takes more resources to manage a troubleshoot a subdomain


I think this is a good change because now everything we need is just in one spot. I also think this will be good for new developers so they don’t have to try to find all the links when there all on the New “Creator Hub”.

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How will the topbar function on the DevForum? Will the DevForum functionality still be there?

Only the DevForum’s URL will change? Btw I think devforum.roblox.com is the best URL for the DevForum.

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I hope not. I personally prefer the old Develop page since that is all that I have known since I first started developing.


You mean the old, broken and terribly designed page? I’m not so sure about that.

Things have to change. You can’t stop the time.


Could we ever see a thing where we could contribute to the documentation directly, with maybe a manual review process to ensure people dont vandalise the website.

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At this point I don’t believe that the creator dashboard is good enough to replace the develop page just yet.


Any improvements on developers retrieving accurate information is gladly accepted.

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Ok, so I got some things to say about the “Creator Hub”. First idk why every single thing has to be moved there. Second, yes it will be a good place for new developers to find links, but why do they all have to be here. Also why are they going to make the creator dashboard go to the “Creator Hub”? Lastly, Roblox always announces something “Really good for the community” but it’s never really good I mean just look at the audio asset situation, I think there just hyping up the “Creator Hub” just for it to be an ok site.

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It’s all about modernization and simplicity. Just know lots of these decisions Roblox makes go through a giant process and have reasons behind them.

The reason everything needs to be moved to the Creator Hub is because the current state of the Create page is crippling and old.

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