A package keeps thinking I changed it, when I didn't

Thanks for reporting the issue. Can you please provide us with more details on reproducing this issue with UI tree?

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I sent you a DM with the UI tree that I was not able to publish

Reproduction steps:

  1. Insert into Roblox Studio. This model had changes staged, so it appeared with the orange icon saying that changes need to be published
  2. Right click the HUD instance to open the context menu
  3. Click “Publish Changes to Package”
  4. The changes will be published very briefly with the orange dot disappearing, before very quickly the orange dot appears again.

Getting this issue as well with one of my screenUI’s

Not sure if this is strictly related to this bug, but I can’t post a separate bug report and Bug-Support is dead so I’ll throw this in here:

It seems that Studio is reloading packages, even if a package is up to date and not changed.

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The most recent update to packages has brought this bug back for humanoid packages. I have crossposted this bug here: Improved Workflows for Packages - #43 by cloakedyoshi

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This appears to be resolved as of today.

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