I’m sorry, I can’t answer those questions. I would recommend first looking up what the api for the inventory api is. (I’ve also read in the latest api deprecation announcement that newer apis have auth 2.0, and idk if you can still use cookies with them)
I would recommend looking up documentation pages about cookies/auth 2.0 (perhaps auth 2.0 is easier?), or tutorials, that aren’t specific to your problem (as finding something specific to what you are doing will be very hard). Chat Gpt or some other ai can also be very useful for these kinds of questions
You can use any coding language on your google proxy (is it just a proxy, or a server on which you can basically do whatever? A proxy is a “server” that redirects your requests). If you chose lune, to write it in luau, be ware that there are basically no tutorials about lune, and ai’s don’t know what it is either. If you go with like python, python has a lot of libraries and resources online
Here is my lune script for retreiving logs from a datastore in my game using open cloud, if that helps
local net = require("@lune/net")
local writeFile = require("../Utils/writefile")
local Data = require("../Utils/Data")
local Key = "Not leaking my key today :P"
local OpenCloud = {}
function OpenCloud:RetreiveStoredLogs()
local Result, Error = net.request({
url = "https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/universes/5260885184/data-stores/ProxyLogs/entries/Logs",
method = "GET",
headers = { ["x-api-key"] = Key},
if not Result then error(Error) end
local Body = net.jsonDecode(Result.body)
if Body.errors then error(Body.errors[1].message) end
if not Result.ok then error(Result.statusCode .. " " .. Result.statusMessage) end -- Fallback error handling
local Values = Body.value
local FirstValueIndex = Values[1]
table.remove(Values, 1)
local PreviousReadIndex = Data:Get("ReadIndex") or 0
Data:Set("ReadIndex", (FirstValueIndex -1) + #Values)
local ReadStart = (PreviousReadIndex + 1) - (FirstValueIndex - 1)
local SuccessMessage = "Stored logs retreived successfully"
if ReadStart < 1 then
SuccessMessage = (math.abs(ReadStart) + 1).." values are missing from the stored logs, but other logs were retreived successfully"
writeFile("Info", "Logs Errors", (math.abs(ReadStart) + 1).." values are missing from the stored logs. They were deleted before they could be read")
for i = math.max(1,ReadStart), #Values do
local Log = net.jsonDecode(Values[i])
writeFile(Log[1], Log[2], Log[3], Log[4])
return {SuccessMessage, net.jsonEncode(table.move(Values, math.max(1,ReadStart), #Values, 1, {}))}
return OpenCloud
The Data module is to save some data to a local file on my pc, for data I need between each time I start and stop my server. writefile is to write files lol