A user who doesn’t have the annual premium option can still access it via URL

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to the buy robux page or the Roblox premium page.
  2. If the annual premium option doesn’t appear, enter this url for the annual premium payment page.
  3. Observe how the page doesn’t redirect to the user’s available premium options. Also, attempting to purchase annual premium with Roblox credit results in an error.

Browser Information

  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
  • Platform Type: PC
  • Device Type: Computer

Expected Behavior
Either the user should be redirected to their available premium options, or the purchase with Roblox credit should succeed.

Actual Behavior
A user who doesn’t have the annual premium option on the buy robux page can still access it via URL. Attempting to purchase annual premium with Roblox credit results in an error. Additionally, selecting the other payment options redirects the user to their available premium options.

See the PM associated with this bug report for a video of this issue and a picture of console warnings and errors.

Additional information

As of 1-8-24, I can confirm that annual premium is still an option for some users by using another account.

Page URL: Login
Date First Experienced: 2023-12-28
Date Last Experienced: 2024-01-08

A private message is associated with this bug report


I can’t reproduce in the Canada region, you get redirected back to the landing page (Premium). Annual Premium also doesn’t appear as a option on the landing page


As of 1-10-24, I can no longer reproduce this issue. Additionally, my other account no longer has the annual premium option. @thirdtakeonit Can you confirm that a fix has been implemented for this issue (when you see this report for filing confirmation)?

Alternatively, mark this post as the solution, or close this bug report.


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