A way to track players across accounts

My idea: create an actual database to use this.
Maybe I’m going to do it

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As stated it’s not reliable. Restarting your computer resets the OS clock, so you would end up having a bunch of unused numbers stored in your data base for 0 reason at all. I could see the hosting price go up really quick.

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hosting price? i host for free lol

The idea is save id for player everytime the player joins the game. So I won’t store bunch of unused numbers. The old fingerprint gets removed when it changes, and if the user creates a new ALT and joins the game, we already have their fingerprint, and we assign the same, (of their main acc).

Not every time. Only if quick-start is disabled on your computer (Windows OS)

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I decided to test this and for me it doesn’t seem to work, atleast in a real game.
In studio it works fine, but even using one account doesn’t give me the same result ( CPU Start ) when rejoining.

Unless im doing something wrong.

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService')

local Tick, osClock = tick(), os.clock()
local CPUStart = Tick - osClock
local Timezone = string.match(os.date("%Z"), "%a+")
local IsDaylightSavingsTime = os.date("*t").isdst
local HasAccelerometer = UserInputService.AccelerometerEnabled
local HasTouchScreen = UserInputService.TouchEnabled

local Table = {CPUStart, Timezone, IsDaylightSavingsTime, HasAccelerometer, HasTouchScreen}
local Encoded = HttpService:JSONEncode(Table)

print(CPUStart, Timezone, IsDaylightSavingsTime, HasAccelerometer, HasTouchScreen)
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Because you are supposed to round to nearest 5 - it is possible for it to fluctuate a little bit. It’s in the github


You’re missing the point. It’s not meant to be the ultimate solution to stop 100% of alts. It’ll stop the majority of them, due to them not knowing they need to restart or slipping up and forgetting. You’re not going to find a solution that’s perfect to something like this, much less in Roblox. It’s reliable enough.

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I’d just like to correct some of the assumptions here, as I don’t want people getting the wrong impression from what is actually stated in the creator terms.

PII is a widely recognized legal term which is defined in data protection laws internationally. More specifically, it means data that could directly identify, without other information, the identity of an individual (person) or household. It does not mean just any data that is identifiable to a user.

Any information “that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked” with a “consumer or household” is potentially personal information under CCPA.
(Source: What is “personal information” under CCPA? – California Lawyers Association (calawyers.org))

Some examples of what might be PII under the CCPA (California Consumers Privacy Act, where Roblox is registered as a business) are:

  • First / Last Name
  • Phone Number & Personal Email Address
  • Mailing Address
  • Passport / Drivers License number
  • Social Security Number

These examples also could meet the requirements for PII under most jurisdictions with data protection legislation (for example, they would qualify as PII (or SPI) under the EU’s GDPR legislation).

Collecting user-identifiable data, even if it is attributable to someone’s specific hardware or time-zone, is unlikely to ever meet the standard of PII. For example, every time you connect to a website your IP address (which may give away details like your ISP, Geographic Location, or in some cases residential area) is not PII, unless it is correlated with other data which could when combined identify you personally.

To be more clear, essentially none of the information that you are given access to by Roblox in-experience would qualify as PII. Roblox giving any game you join your personal information would be highly irresponsible on their part, as Roblox have no real way to ensure you have a lawful basis for processing it.

You might ask though, why are Roblox stating this if they’re talking about data that you will likely never get? Well, in the rare event you are given actual PII by Roblox, it’s to put the responsibility on you to handle it responsibly and make it a contractual breach if you do not (rather than one on their part).

The wording in the terms are (in my view) likely concerned with people trying to collect PII for advertising purposes, which could be a violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) if that PII was from someone under thirteen.

I’ll add that I’m not a lawyer, nor is this legal advice you should follow. I do have corporate experience with international data protection legalities, but am not qualified to speak authoritatively on this. If you’re concerned about if you’re collecting PII, you should consult a suitably qualified professional or lawyer.


Nobody forced anything on anyone. This is a function that comes with roblox and you’re automatically agreeing to use it whenever you open your game client. If we applied this logic everywhere else:
I’m being force to look at something because I can see.
I’m forcing players to play because they joined.
I’m forcing players’ game clients to give information to the game so something can function.

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Roblox is tracking them, not me.

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Honestly tick() - os.clock() will give variated results, around 6 decimals, so I suggest rounding up around there.

The image below shows what the results could look like:


Also you could possibly get their localization information, this should not be a requirement in confirming accounts are the same, but could help due to the fact that not all exploiters change their location and preferred language.

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Why would roblox have functions that would break their own ToS? Please answer.

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This is, without a doubt, one of the most ambitious projects I’ve ever seen. I question the legality but love the functionality!!

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Your guess is as good as mine.

Here are 2 official ways to do this:

  • Make the game payed access, like BloxBurg.
  • Or Tell the player to put in a phone number, associate the phone number with a UID and player account. But it may be easy as switching out SIMS.

This sort of thing just doesn’t work because roblox wouldnt allow devs find a solid way to track a player.

I believe this would be violating ToU. If it isnt then its collecting data aka not allowed.

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That is actually insane, pretty sure people who invest in roblox would not be happy to be tracked tho.