Ability to join a Private Server with Launchdata?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to join a private server, but append launchdata to the URL. I’m wondering if this is possible. If you know anything, let me know.



Found a solution whilst searching through other posts, for anyone interested it’s just roblox:// with placeId, linkCode, and launchData appended.


Realized I actually still do have a question. Is it possible to deeplink and add launchdata through the old Roblox protocol? Like this one: roblox-player:1+launchmode:play+gameinfo:{ticket}

If not, is it possible to directly pass an authentication ticket to the newer protocol? (roblox://)

If anyone knows, let me know, would be much appreciated


Do you know if it’s possible to add an auth ticket to these so it wouldn’t launch with the currently-logged in account but instead one directly added to the url?

From my knowledge, it is not possible to add any sort of roblox-auth to the URL

Depending on your project, you can generate custom auth keys for/to users which would be saved in datastore, and then comparing the auth-key (from LaunchData) with datastore entries