Ability to remove or hide developer products. Plus the ability to manually sort them

Currently, the page for developer products is a bit of a mess.

It is impossible to remove or hide products that are no longer in use. I recently updated my game and discontinued a variety of developer products. However, I cannot remove them from the developer product page. I have about 4 entire pages of developer products I no longer need.

As well as this, the way developer products sort is very bad!! I’m literally resorting to adding a “[” at the start of my products’ names just to ensure they appear at the top of the list. They sort alphabetically. It is hard to keep track of where developer products are especially if you have many of them in your game!

I propose that we have the ability to drag sort the products into the order that we want them to be in.
All in all the page feels very dated.


Yeah! Also, can we get a better system for editing titles, prices and descriptions that doesn’t take us to an entirely different page? YouTube has a (surprisingly) great way of doing this:


Good point, navigating in and out of the page just to edit details of products is quite bothersome.


The current page system is terrible. It should show up to 50 at a time, and there should be a more button like in sales instead of a page button.


It would also be great if we could re-order badges on the place page.


Excuse me for reviving. But this is becoming incredibly necessary as you can’t even, by example, edit Developer Products created by other people.


If you save the game as a new game the developer products will reset.

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This is getting to be really cumbersome for us as well. Where’s Roblox on this? It seems like it’d be an easy fix.

At the minimum we should just be able to “Delete” them from the mini-menu. I’d like folders so I can organize them into groups and have quick rename and copy ID mini menu calls as well. I know that’s a bigger lift, but delete should be easy, right?


This is an extremely annoying issue for me. I discontinued donations in my game, and I now have loads of different donation products cluttering my page.

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Why is this still not a feature? It’s pretty crucial for any workflow in other applications, so I’m surprised why 7 years later it still seems like this topic hasn’t even been looked at by Roblox.

Yes, I support this, I also think that Gamepasses and Models should be given the ability to be deleted as it would speed up the workflow of us developers by reducing the amount of pages we have to cycle through.

I only support archiving developer products, which would keep them forever, but allow us to hide products that we no longer need to see.

My rationale for not supporting a delete function would be that it’d be annoying for Roblox to remove the developer product from the inventories from everyone who’d previously bought it.

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Developer products don’t go into your inventory?

Ah, you’re right, ignore what I said then.

Realistically however, if Roblox were to implement this change, they’d add an archiving feature, similar to other assets (images, experiences, etc). But yes, I’d definitely support this request, given that they’ve already done the first step of revamping the website into the Creator Dashboard.

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My answer was partially incorrect, Roblox WOULD have to delete the product from the player’s transaction history but not from the inventory as it doesn’t show there.