Account "Locked"/Hacked By Suspicious User

It’s not, you can use banned accounts on the DevForum just fine.

When a user forcefully logs all devices out from the account, the DevForum is excluded from that. They never logged me out of the forums, but if I choose to log out I’ll never have access to this forum account again, as I don’t have access to the parent account on Roblox.

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How do we know this DevForum account is really you? The hacker can just login to the DevForum using your account. I’m pretty sure you are you but it’s not completely provable. You can use the DevForum to prove you have or had access, but it can’t prove you are you.

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My IP is directly connected to the account. Apart from that, I still have access to my email (Which the hacker did not get access to, and the email is no longer connected to the account, to my knowledge no email is connected to the account anymore.)

(Certain emails censored for privacy reasons)
It would also be pretty stupid for a hacker to go onto the DevForums and then begin complaining about the account they hacked having been stolen by the very person complaining about it being stolen.

Also yes, this is the very email account that I had verified my account with, the one Support claimed wasn’t connected. (“No email address or purchase information is associated with the provided account username” - CS)

The fact that I’m revealing the account having been stolen in the first place should be obvious enough as to who is actively talking here on the forums.

Also note the email from Roblox about Support forcefully deactivating my 2 step auth for this account’s username, further emails show me verifying my new aforementioned account.

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Also, this email. This is the one that aggravates me the most. Clear indication that my email had been verified to the account, Roblox should have the email in their records, regardless of an email being removed from an account, email history is always recorded. Yet, they claim that the account had no email history at all, a blatant lie.

And even further proof that the account had an email in the first place is this devforum account exists at all, and has some amount of reading history behind it. The account can’t be created without an email being connected to it. Literally impossible, the forums require a verified email for an account to be created.

So support just completely glosses over all of this and just goes “oh well you never had an email associated with it, when you make a new account make sure you verify lol”
Pretty damn close to their exact wording.

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Roblox genuinely angers me so much, why can’t they invest in support? When they know perfectly well that it’s HORRIBLE, especially with this new idea that they want this platform to be “UGC focused”, which won’t end up well at this rate.



Confirmation that he locked me
This is being forwarded to Roblox.

Discord User ID is 1149756218500460655

Edit: Last known Discord username was chingwashere
His Discord account has since been deleted, but there’s a high chance he’s on a new one now under a similar name.


After taking a peek around your account, I found some… odd things…

  1. Keyboard spam username. Usually doesn’t mean much but you’ll see why this is important.
  2. Only two badges, Veteran and Friendship. Bit odd when this is a 2010 account, but, whatever.
  3. The dead giveaway. A November 2010 join date.

If you’ve never heard of a ‘tixbotted’ account, I won’t go into detail about it, but it’s basically a way of gaining Roblox accounts with old join dates (always being November 2010) that were (from my knowledge) acquired from a data leak or something, always having a keyboard spam username and a noticeable lack of old badges.

I still hope you get it back though, although it seems you used a slightly unethical way of obtaining it.


Appreciate the response.

This isn’t the only account I’ve lost. There’s been two others. Regardless, it’s beyond ridiculous that they’ve been stolen.

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Also of note:
Upon contacting support to try and report the user directly, they gave a robotic response, as per usual.
No response as to the user that’s been compromising literal hundreds of accounts. I may sincerely be done with this platform

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So, I assume the reason you decided to use tixbot is because the other accounts you lost had legitimate old join dates? Makes sense, I guess.

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Yeah, I did have a couple of older accounts. One main terminated in 2012 and a couple other things scattered about. Whether or not this one was a tixbot I can’t genuinely confirm that.

It is noteworthy, though, that I had a brand new account made just this month, and that was also just compromised by the same user. It’s absolutely ridiculous that this keeps happening, and the fact that support is refusing to actually address it is insane.
This shouldn’t be happening regardless of account status. The user states they “have admin” on the site and whatever else, and support refuses to acknowledge anything.
This is sincerely the worst platform I have ever used


Depends on where you got it from. I originally thought you had used tixbot to get it, although it seems I was wrong on that. For example, if some person just handed a 2010 account to you like it was worthless, then it definitely was a tixbot.

It was actually given to me by a friend some time ago, the origins of him getting it I have no idea. I’d assume he either bought it second-hand or used a tixbot himself, I know he joined around the same time.
It had no purchase history on it, though, so dunno

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This worked for me when I was locked out of my account (never found out how or why I was locked out) but I ended contacting support telling them how much the account meant to me and how long I’ve had it the big giveaway for them as to how they confirmed it was me was the username being my real name(was forced to change it (for free :slight_smile: ) so yeah, but at this point with your case Id wait until features with moderation and support from RDC are released.

Its also not like your account is terminated so there is really no timeline of not getting it back I guess you will just have to wait and see


Sorry you weren’t able to get it back, but on a side note because of you making this post I think a lot of people have seen why account security is very important and I’m genuinely proud of how far you’ve gone. (Chings account was banned so there goes the Robux that he might’ve stole from other people.)


The problem is the user in question is attempting to sell the account, so there’s no telling how much damage will be done to it by the time I get it back, if I ever get it back in the first place.

Do not give them the Robux. This will show him that he can and will continue to prey on vulnerable users.


Final update:

Another locker has contacted me and cleared some things up.
Firstly, locking is done by social engineering or by bribe. I won’t confirm which method was used when my account had been locked.

The account, when locked, gets its email, security, and password wiped. This is genuinely done by Support, and can only occur on accounts that have previously been compromised, shared, and a few other things.
Because my email wasn’t verified within the first few months the account had been created, Support is unable to confirm the account owner (Why support refused this information to me, I don’t know)

Locked accounts are not accessible by the person who locked them. If an account gets locked, and the person who owns the account had verified an email within the same time frame the account was created, the account can be recovered by the owner. However, the account is indeed inaccessible by the locker, and its password is completely reset. My account is “safe,” in that it isn’t actually compromised.

I believe Ching is now under investigation by the BBB, while I don’t have personal involvement in the investigation or how it came to be, I believe the BBB may be referencing other complaints received (I do know there’s been complaints about this same situation filed before)

To be perfectly clear: The only accounts vulnerable are shared accounts, bots, PGed accounts, etc.
My account has been confirmed to have originally been a tixbot. Apparently the friend I got it off of bought the account off someone and then gave it to me.
The account has always been vulnerable, and is not recoverable at all due to it being involved in tixbotting.

Overall, I’m okay with this outcome. The account is gone, yes, but it’s not being sold. It’s instead just going to lay dormant, as if abandoned.
I’ll mark this as the solution. I believe this is the final resolution of the situation. If anything else should arise, I may make a new post on social media, or under my new account.
Thank you, everyone. This has been an interesting journey of frustration, but with the account being as hot as it was (Unbeknownst to me), I think this was inevitable.


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