Account PIN now required for transferring group

This is a very welcomed addition! It is good to know it will be harder for groups to get hijacked now from account theft.


This is a godly security update. Any additions to account security are always welcomed with the most open of arms, but group security is so important now more than ever. With developers from all walks using groups to form communities and host their games, losing what they’ve built up to can be so detrimental. While this doesn’t of course combat group game theft, at least people will still know what the original is and financial theft is reduced by a significant amount (both either Robux or real life value, depending on how the owner chooses to manage their income).

Absolutely amazing.


Now there’s no need for me to worry about losing my group👍.


Does anyone know if they can brute force account pins or does it lock itself after so many tries?


This is good news!
Changing the ownership of a group too easily was a big problem. When someone would somehow get access to an account, usually for a limited period of time, until the owner takes back the control, considering the scammer don’t know your email, he would thus simply change the ownership of the person’s group and from then, have no way for the owner to stop him without getting in touch with Roblox.


This is honestly a really good change. It helps a lot of users feel safer when it comes to groups, and also adds another layer of protection.

Thanks roblox, very cool.


if you were to forget your account pin, will there be any sort of verification email to reset it on?


It would be better if you have a verified email address then you would have to approve via email to do things like transferring or leaving a group you own.

Otherwise great update, my friends account got hacked and he lost his group but roblox recovered it within a few hours. :heart:


The pin feature does have a cooldown timer.


This should also be applied to making massive group payouts, like for example over 10,000 Robux would require your pin.


It’s not really going overboard. Authenticator apps are quickly becoming the norm. Really wish iCloud Keychain integration would be added within the app, that way users can set unique passwords that are way safer than what they may set themselves.


I definitely agree. Account pin should be expanded to massive payouts, item deletion, and even trades with high value. To add ease of use, Roblox should add support for biometric authentication methods like TouchID and FaceID in place of the account pin.


no, bad idea. it’s easy to spoof these things.


It’s highly unlikely. If people are using biometrics as a means of protecting their phone (which has passwords, medical records, location history, and so much more stored on it) and there haven’t been severe issues, what makes you think those issues would suddenly exist on Roblox? Plus, it could be implemented as an optional feature in settings.


Thank you for this amazing update, It is just what we needed! It feels very reassuring to know that Roblox is constantly thinking about how they can improve our security.


I agree with you about the massive payouts, trades and item deletion but integrating random Apple unlock features just isn’t the way to go. Account pin or 2-step-authentication methods are the safer way to go, which is also what ROBLOX uses as their security system(s).

Also, android exists. Android doesn’t necessarily have face/touch-id methods and it would be hard to work around. However, a large portion of ROBLOX is IOS rather than Android and is much preferred rather than Android.

When it comes to PC’s, this would also make more sense as many PC’s or Laptops don’t include face/touch-id methods. This is another reason to why the ROBLOX pin methods would make more sense.


Great update, but adding a Captcha for uploading clothing is very much needed and would be very helpful for the clothing copying problem.


We know that you have more use cases for requiring additional security checks for other site features and this is just one of many steps that we’re taking towards improving account security overall.

Hoping this includes spending group funds :innocent:


Ya Roblox security for sure can be improved with these features overall being applied in A LOT of different areas. If roblox makes you put in a pin to edit your settings but does not put in a pin to protect your million Robux it is almost kind of crazy that they did not apply this to a lot of aspects. Even trade!


Can you make it a feature for the account pin to be required for ANY transaction?

(Buying stuff, trading, ranking someone, etc.)