[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

This is a big impact, Roblox. You’ll break a lot of games, and possibly even your own community just for a 200M$ Lawsuit?!??!?

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So all games are completely silent, Since all games have no sound, it will make players leave from boredom. This will hit roblox heavily and maybe roblox will be forced to revert this.

The rest of the games will gladly take your players. Not gonna work pal.

I would disagree
I play my games without audio
and people would just put on background music
it’s not fair to assume players dont have a solution to this

oh yeah they will especially still play front page games since they have predatory addiction tactics that lure kids into playing more :confused:

Yeah, there were definitely better options.


Yep, you are right. My game doesn’t even use that much sound and I required 15 uploads to fix it. If I had the 10 limit i’d have to search for alternative sounds in the library and searching that mess is painful. Not impossible but not easy either.

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Yeah, I ran into the stupid 10 sound limit just fixing one game.
I still have to fix 2 more.
Thanks Roblox

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I’ve been trying to upload music that is a release from monstercat but keeps getting removed :confused:

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Uploaded 8 audios and only 1 of them wasn’t instantly moderated (in fact, it was instantly allowed). Are they processing, or did they really get rejected that quick? Why would someone screaming “CHOCOLATE” with reverb get copyright blocked? All these same audios are currently uploaded by others on the site.


Kevin Macleod has some of the best free royalty music out there in my opinion. He has far better music than what Roblox has provided us so far. Unfortunately, I doubt Roblox would work with Kevin Macleod to create an album of music because I feel like Roblox will call their current selection of music “good enough”.


Yeah, their copyright AI detection sucks. It took down two of my songs for copyright. They were classical music under creative commons mark 1.0 meaning they are free to use.


If you insert audio that you personally uploaded into a group owned game, that will also not work. For group owned experiences, the only non-Roblox owned audio longer than 6 seconds that will work is audio uploaded to the group.

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What are you seeing? Does it show that its blocked, or does is show pending approval icon? Did you record the audio. They can probably use a checksum to identify and throw out common files that have been rejected already.

I had one rejected instantly when I tried to upload it(and it used up one of my upload slots too!)

But most of mine just show the pending icon:

then eventually get the normal icon:

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I just tryed to upload a 5 second audio of my own voice saying “hi” and it was removed for copyright XD


They’ve all got that pending icon. My 1 that went through is playable and has the orange icon. Half the pending were screen-recorded (and as a result, quieter + in a different format), the other half I ripped directly from the roblox source (identical checksum).

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This is the most annoying thing ever. I had to reupload some of my sounds because it only works in games I made not in the group I own…

they should’ve really just improved the copyright bot instead of trying to fit a square toy into a circular hole


Yes, that limit of 10 uploads will never be hit because most games only use 0.3 sound objects to run anyway


The bot works better at blocking non copyrighted sounds lol


Ever since this update audios have been taking extremely long to be approved. I uploaded an audio over 20 hours ago and still hasn’t been approved