Action Required: Workspace.RejectCharacterDeletions

Exploiters mainly use “Fe Hats” to move them to troll others, so that is what I expected you meant, but fair enough this does patch mesh deletions

If this is negatively affecting your game you can still set network ownership of the character to the client explicitly from a server-side script using BasePart:SetNetworkOwner. This must be called once per “network ownership unit,” a collection of unanchored parts connected by (most) constraints. Or to be sure, once per assembly root.

Server ownership on death is part of the default auto ownership assignment logic that also assigns ownership of character physics to clients by default.

We still allow manual ownership to override that, just know what you’re getting yourself into.


I see people saying this patches tool replication exploits, but no engineers. I don’t know how to word this but I want an engineer to tell me that tool replication exploits are patched.

Just for some elaboration, I mean when someone can put one of their tools in someone else’s backpack even if it isn’t droppable.

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The setting is able to be bypassed, I believe it should be hard coded into a file that is encrypted (if it is removed or edited it will not let you play) so people can’t use exploits oh and also

My simple request

Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron Bring out Byfron

Code is stored in an executable or DLL, so obviously an OS won’t be able to run it if it is encrypted. Also, if exploiters really wanted the code for it, encrypting the file won’t do anything because it will still need to be decrypted to be used and stored in memory.

Also, have people really bypassed the issue that this set out to fix? I.E., can they still delete objects under their character with this setting enabled? Or have they just found a way to update the exploits so that they no longer need deletions to replicate?

thank you for this

less sanity checks to do :slightly_smiling_face:

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This seems overly complex for a simple task (applying forces on the client for a smooth death animation). Upon inspection, this also has to be called every frame too which I assume would be performance heavy. Also, is there any reason why experiences weren’t notified of this change, this seems like behaviour that many experiences would be relying on, right?

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It seems like they can, but it doesn’t replicate to the server.

would taking you’re character and storing it in ReplicatedStorage trigger this?

Then that means that this feature has not been bypassed, as it still works as intended and they never promised it would fix anything specific, it still fixes a specific class of exploits, it’s just that exploits have found a way to do the same thing, but differently and don’t use the same tricks.

ok, when will default mean enabled

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wait, does this setting just set the player’s network ownership of the character to the server

No, it prevents client side replication of object deletion inside the player’s character.

Essentially, when the client deletes objects inside the player’s character, it will no longer be replicated (as long as the option is enabled)

ok, thanks

Umm… Me kind off, I delete unnecessary objects created by server on client under certain events to save some time…

wow work so perfectly that avatar himself cant loading !

I know I’m late but. This solves tons of things, such as:

Manipulating the game to think the tool is dropped while still having it in your character.
Ability to remove and reconstruct your body parts to change their positions.
Enlargening your body parts using the exploitability of originalsizes.

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