[Activated!] New Part Physics API

Applying Impulses to the character’s humanoid root part doesn’t work consistently but seems to work fine with other parts.

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but why is it deprecated, this is a well-known use for simple conveyors, now they involve code

Any update on this? I really need to use impulses on player avatars for a few places in my game, and this issue still isn’t fixed. If you apply an impulse on a player that is standing on the ground, the impulse does not apply until they are detached from the ground (e.g. they jumped).

I found a workaround by disabling the RunningNoPhysics of the player’s humanoid, but I’m not sure if this has any consequences.

Not gonna lie, so long as Velocity is still compatible I’m definitely not going to go out of my way to type “AssemblyLinearVelocity” any time soon. Feels like that name change was just made to make me type more. Pretty much any line of code dealing with velocity is now 100% going to go off-screen because of this absurdly verbose naming - Definitely one of the longer names in roblox.

Whats the proper way to create a large mass of unachored parts? I wanna make use of this but MakeJoints() is decrypted and GetTouchingParts() doesnt function correctly

Hello! We have a new devhub article explaining assemblies: Understanding Assemblies
(cc: @JustaLatvian)

Re: Humanoids @Noble_Draconian @TechnoTurbo
It’s not so much a bug but simply how the no-physics humanoid states work. We are exploring ways to remove the NoPhysics states entirely, so that the humanoid is always simulated. Disabling the NoPhysics states should work for now though.

You can achieve the same conveyor belt behavior with AssemblyLinearVelocity. No code needed.

Studio should auto-complete AssemblyLinearVelocity/AssemblyAngularVelocity within the first 2-3 characters (it also comes up when typing “vel”). Velocity is deprecated you would always need to type the whole word to continue using it.


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