Actual Feedback on my Roblox video game Land Beyond

Hi! I am here just to ask for your feedback for my game land beyond!
I would like constructive criticism about my game, not just “____ is bad”

Land Beyond

Thank you and have a good day.

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picture are motivation to check it out

Honestly, good mechanics! However, I still don’t know what my purposes are in the game, like am I fighting some bosses? Or building? Or role play?? The building in the game is kinda mismatch half realistic textures, half no textures. Lightings also needs improvement, sometime when i look down in the day it so bright. The game also very laggy which I recommend referring to this post i made for better optimization in the game: Dealing with Lag Optimization - #6 by caonhat1. If you have any more questions regarding optimization, you can ask me.

It looks cool, but the lighting in the night is wayy too foggy and the UI takes up so much of the screen. I personally don’t think you need to keep track of so many different values but if you wish to keep it I’d suggest you have a button that slides the bars into screen for a less-intrusive experience.

Thank you for the feedback, I guess I haven’t made the goal of the game clear yet I will try to give more of a direction in what to do the in game. Maybe something like objectives will give a clear goal in the game? And I will try to deal with the poor optimization of the game. It is really hard to pull of in a procedurally generating world.

I also thought that the night time was a bit too dark. But I am trying to find a good middle ground between “dark enough to give a reason to use a torch” and “bright enough were I am NOT BLIND”. I will also add a option to toggle on and off either side of the bars on the screen as I do understand why people like less stuff on there screen.

You should let the players know that there is something to accomplish and rewarding in this game so that players have a purpose to come back and play the game, that’s the main thing.

Have a look at what minecraft does to optimize their game and use the resource I gave you to implement/ adapt it to Roblox.


The world is foggier than it is dark at night.
Don’t change the keybind whenever I try to mine something, also it takes too long to mine even if I’m just using my hands.
Standardize your interactions–why is mining and collecting done using keys but attacking and filling a cup done using clicks?
If I have a backpack size larger than 5 you did not make finding the backpack obvious enough, and 5 is not enough when those 5 can be filled up by any item.
Where to find resources is not intuitive, nor are needed resources available enough. I need sticks and rocks to make a tool, okay so I walk up to a big rock and a tree; nope those are useless to me. I have to find specifically a small rock and a bush. Okay sure, but everywhere I look I see more big rocks and trees than I do small rocks and bushes, even though the latter two are the only things I can use at the start of the game.
Monsters spawn at night, and I figure I’m meant to prepare to fend myself from them. But I spent more time trying to figure out where to get resources and gathering them than I did having the tools I need to prepare for night.
Other than to craft everything I’m not sure what my purpose was. There’s no big threat to prepare for (the monsters aren’t a threat enough), there’s no distant island I’m looking for specifically (What’s stopping me from living a comfortable life on the first island? Why would I want to make the game harder?), there’s no incentive to go exploring (it seems like everything I need is on the first island).
The world itself was big, but I didn’t have the mobility to match that size.


Hi again, I am bumping this post requesting for more feedback after half a year of developing and improving the game. I want to see what everyone thinks of the game in its current state.


Add a image background , something to look at while it is loading

I click solo, then it loaded again, and went back to the Play or Solo menu, so Solo does not seem to work…
If this is a part on the surface of the water, maybe move it down, so you do not see the water hitting it…

unless that is an effect you are looking for…

this water reflection effect, maybe make it move slower, it is moving really fast, and maybe turn down the brightness

How do I get the tutorial off the screen?

maybe have a Tutorial toggle gui button

How do I craft?

NPC cannot climb up small wall and get me…

I got to the pirate ship, that was fun… getting killed…

Seems like it could be fun to play more…

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It seems like a bunch of new bugs that I have not seen yet. (you can craft by opening your inventory btw, it is the g key) Also I think background images would be a nice addition to the loading screen.