Add a tag property to all objects

I feel that using values such as bools inside of a part to tell it’s difference from another is too complicated. The feature i’m request is similar to the one found in Visual Studio. The object tag feature. The tag would be a new property value inside the object, such as the name or size. This value can be set to any value currently in the game such as Boolean, strings, integers, Vector3 values etc. This different values can be accessed through a drop-down menu. Anyways, this feature would greatly reduce the lines of code, and time put into making special parts. There are many different applications for this such as differentiating walls for a platformer.

Thanks! MrAsync

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You may want to look at:


Woah, how have I gone so long without knowing this existed?


This is so useful! I was literally just trying to think of a way of doing something in my game and this completely solves that.

Someone actually made a plugin for tag management.


I was not aware of the plugin! This saved my life lol! Thanks.