Add custom Discord Rich Presence to your game with BloxstrapRPC

I didn’t realise that small image was customisable, I thought that was just the application or executable icon.

Is there a way to make the background of the bloxstrap logo on the small icon transparent? Or does it not respect transparency?

Implemented this on LOCOfficial! in new servers, very awesome! Wished Roblox made this an officially supported feature, would be sick

image 149

image 150

image 151

image 152

image 153

image 148


It’s kinda just not working for me… lol

The logs are being sent to the console but me and 2 other people have tested the game and they just never show up, only the default one shows up.

When you are setting the presence to choosing a character, you are passing an rbxthumb string which it is failing to parse. It only takes a number.

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Even when I’m not doing that, it still just doesn’t work

That is very strange, I can’t reproduce that issue in a baseplate however I joined your game and you are still passing strings in your assetIds unless you are testing it in a separate place or something

Edit: Nvm

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if you create a new server it should be updated now

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Seems to work for me now

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Yeah, it kinda works?? It’s supposed to update when you pick a character but it doesn’t work even with what seems to be correct data

Your assetId is a string on the largeImage

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oh wait I just realized that’s a string YEAH LOL

There seem to be some slight reliability issues cropping up recently, though mostly still working, and I am due on completely redoing the system since I’m sort of relying on a debug logging flag that isn’t supposed to be enabled anymore. I’ll get those issues ironed out soon.
(accidental reply my bad)


My small side-project, ApplejuiceCLI now has my own BloxstrapRPC protocol implementation in Rust!
Although the implementation is rough around the edges, it means that Roblox on Linux users will be able to make use of BloxstrapRPC in games!

Take a look at the sause (utils/



Great to see a community-made program for Roblox adapting another community-made program’s protocol too!

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Why present that on a user’s rich presence?

I don’t think Roblox users want their Discord presence to be a advertisement space.

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Seeing how many people are in the server with you (for example, 7 out of 16) would actually be great.

can also be used in games like Locofficial when you’re in a match (3 out of 4)

We can’t determine how many people are in a server, and it’s trivial for the game developer to implement such a status if they want.


This so cool, i’m using this on my game.
Only i didn’t found way to remove Small Image.
Sad it don’t let’s add just 1 own button starting with it can be useful for Lobby system.