Add custom fonts in my game

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to add custom fonts into my game since I saw a few games do it like this:


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Yes it is, just make the images on photoshop, then upload them as assets, then inset them via image labels and image buttons.

There’s no way to actually have your own font added to their list of fonts. There may be some plugins similar to it though.


Okay, but I don’t think this game used your idea to do it since the chat also has this custom font added to it.

The font shown on the image is actually a default roblox font called ‘Patrick Hand’.

If you’d like to customize the player’s chat, I would recommend doing a bit more of research, since there are posts about this.

But if you’re talking about real custom fonts then that’s not possible officially, however, you can still achieve it using sprite sheets. Basically, you would need to import your font sprite sheet to roblox as a image, then play with the ImageRectOffset and ImageRectSize properties to display each character. Here’s a post that explains this a lot clearer.

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