Add toggle-able indent guides for the script editor

As a Roblox developer, it is sometimes hard to see where chunks of code start/end in nested statements. While the tabbing does help, your eyes can play tricks on you as you are scrolling down trying to find the end of the nested chunk.

Adding indent guides to the script editor would make programming much more efficient, as the developer wouldn’t have to stare at the tab indents to find where the chunk of code ends, they could simply follow the line straight down to its end point. It creates an easy to follow visual link, rather than trying to trace a tabbed chunk of code to the bottom and hoping your eyes don’t play a trick on you.

Examples of indent guides


I definitely support adding this. This would make my life so much easier when dealing with code that requires multiple blocks. There should be a toggle switch for people that don’t prefer it, though.


Saying that I definitely support this would be an understatement. I typically remove all of the indents and then re-indent the lines when there’s an indentation issue that I can’t find. This takes an extreme amount of time, so a feature like this would be a godsend.


+1, I’m all for script editor improvements!


With the recent addition of rulers, which some of us mistaked for being indent guides, this feature would still be extremely useful! Indent guides are currently a primary reason I prefer using an external editor over the Roblox script editor.


I’m not entirely sure what the intent of rulers is supposed to be, so I agree with this. Having these lines running through my code makes it hard to read and comprehend indentation more, while indent guides feel cleaner and makes it easier for me.

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I actually mistook the new rulers for being indent guides. However, the new rulers feature does function properly in accordance with other external editors. However, I’m not sure how many people were actually in need of rulers compared to indent guides.

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Ah, so this is the convenience of it. Thanks for linking this post! :smile:

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It looks like today it has been added to Studio.




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