[Added SAC, DDPG and TD3] DataPredict [Release 2.0] - Machine Learning And Deep Learning Library (Learning AIs, Generative AIs, and more!)

Hilo! Currently I am using the raw magnitude distance as an input to tell the car how far eachraycast went for each side, so the value can reach well up to 50-100, I was wondering if there was a way to shorten this value since inverseDistance causes it to not perform that well compared to raw Raycast magnitude Distance.

PS: The car reaches the curve more often now! (nevermind, still likes to crash into the wall)

Apply log function to the distance.

1 Like

Hey, I just realized maybe it’s better to detect if the car has reached the destination or not instead of distance. 0 for not reaching the destination, and 1 is when you reached the destination.

I don’t think the magnitude of the distance carry much weight compared to the orientation of the target location. That should make training more faster.

Hmm, the thing is the AI doesn’t seem to know where exactly to go, I think I have an idea, why not place him somewhere easier to drive at, somewhere there’s no turns, this way I think I can teach him to avoid the walls first, because that is most likely what is confusing him, once he reaches the goal, I can elevate his difficulty more and more, adding turns then eventually a 4-way.

What do you think?

Yeah, that concept is already exists in research papers. They call it “Curriculum Learning”, which has proven to work.

That being said, don’t forget to save the model parameters to a text file that you can bring them anywhere out side Roblox. It seems like you’re going to spend days working on this and it would be bad if you lose all the progress. :3

You can find the examples in the sword fighting AIs code.

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I also realised a mistake I made which highly likely is the cause for most of the lack of learning, the vehicle applies realistic physics when it accelerates or reverses, and since I rely on my raycasts to be precise enough to be able to hit the short sidewalk, most of the time the rays shoot just above the sidewalk and dont hit anything, returning nil or hit the ground, to solve this lazy issue, I decided to bring in ‘Ray Walls’ that I am currently moduling into every single of my road pieces to absorb raycasts adequately and restrict them from not hitting anything, making the raycast more precise and accurate to hopefully improve training, I am guessing this will greatly improve what agent I have now since he does not need to fight against rough or noisy input data anymore.

I thought you would realize that later when I saw your videos :>

All I could suggest is to make them point a little more downward.

1 Like

Wait… jus curious am I bugging or did u disable us from directly adding layers to Double Expected SARSA

Also, still get these issues from DeepDoubleExpectedSARSAV2

Happens from this line of code

ClippedPPO has issues as well:

I don’t think there is a way to set the classesList

I managed to somewhat brute-force fix it:

But I get another error after that

From here

Same as well for DeepQlearning and DeepDoubleQlearning

Ah I forgot to mention that you now need to use :setModel() and put your neural network there.

If I had left it unchanged there, I expect adding future codes will become much more difficult and time consuming.

What about the errors? D: they were occurring after I had :setModel()

Are the models still giving outputs despite the errors?

They give output once before erroring and refusing to provide further output.

Was there any change to how you collect the states?

For example you collect the state every heartbeat instead of timed interval?

Because if it is, I can confirm that the neural network calculation isn’t fast enough to catch up with it.

Nope, didn’t change at all, it’s still a while task.wait(0.01) do loop

Ah okay. Try to remove the experience replay part. I’m pretty sure that one isn’t there previously.

1 Like

still the same errorr


That’s very odd. I can’t replicate the error at all. I have to look into your code base if I want to fix this.

Meanwhile, I can see you’re doing Genetic Algorithm, maybe you can check if your code is having issues?

Oh, the genetic algorithm UI was for my old implementation, I repurposed it to just keep track of how long the car has been living for

Edit: did you update MatrixL?

local sStorage    = game:GetService('ServerStorage')
local repStorage  = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local DataStore   = game:GetService('DataStoreService')

local Gizmo = require(repStorage.Gizmo)

workspace:SetAttribute("GizmosEnabled", true)

local ActorModelStorage = DataStore:GetDataStore('ActorModelStorage')
local CriticModelStorage = DataStore:GetDataStore('CriticModelStorage')
local DataPredict = require(repStorage.DataPredict)
local InputDataEvent = script.InputData
local SaveParamsEvent = script.Save

local NPCHumanoids = workspace.NPCHumanoids
local PathfinderCourse = workspace.PathfinderCourse

local CityMap = workspace.CityMap
local Car   = sStorage["2014 Chevy Caprice PPV"]
local Start = CityMap.Start
local Goal  = CityMap.Goal

local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Car}

local RayParts = Car.RayParts

--print('Saved Model Parameters: ', ModelStorage:GetAsync(script.StorageID.Value))

local MatrixL =  require(repStorage.DataPredict.MatrixL)

local maxRewardArrayLength = 100

local maxCurrentArrayLength = 100

local isRewardedArray = {}

local currentAccuracyArray = {}

local classesList = {'IncreaseThrottle', 'IncreaseLeftSteer', 'DecreaseThrottle', 'IncreaseRightSteer'}

local Optimizer = DataPredict.Optimizers.AdaptiveMomentEstimation.new()
local Reg = DataPredict.Others.Regularization.new()

local Attempts = 0
local Controller = require(Car.Controls)

--[[local function buildNPC()
	local npcClone = NPC:Clone()
	Controller = require(npcClone.Controls)
	return npcClone

local function buildActor()

	local Actor = DataPredict.Models.NeuralNetwork.new(1)

	if not script.LoadModel.Value then

		Actor:addLayer(9, true, 'ReLU', 0.001)

		Actor:addLayer(6, true, 'ReLU', 0.001)

		Actor:addLayer(4, false, 'StableSoftmax', 0.001)
		print('Loading Actor...')

	if script.LoadModel.Value==true then

		local ModelParams = Actor:getModelParameters()
		ActorModelStorage:SetAsync(script.StorageID.Value, ModelParams)

	return Actor


local function buildCritic()

	local Critic = DataPredict.Models.NeuralNetwork.new(1)

	if not script.LoadModel.Value then

		Critic:addLayer(9, true, 'ReLU', 0.001)

		Critic:addLayer(4, true, 'ReLU', 0.001)

		Critic:addLayer(1, false, 'Sigmoid', 0.001)

		print('Loading Critic...')
	if script.LoadModel.Value==true then
		local ModelParams = Critic:getModelParameters()
		CriticModelStorage:SetAsync(script.StorageID.Value, ModelParams)

	return Critic


local function buildModel()

	local ExperienceReplay = DataPredict.ExperienceReplays.UniformExperienceReplay.new(1, nil, 30)

	local NeuralNetwork = DataPredict.Models.NeuralNetwork.new(1)
	NeuralNetwork:addLayer(9, true, 'ReLU')
	NeuralNetwork:addLayer(6, false, 'ReLU')
	NeuralNetwork:addLayer(#classesList, false, 'StableSoftmax')

	local Model = DataPredict.Models.DeepDoubleQLearningV2.new(1, 0.6)
	local StorageID = script.StorageID.Value
	local QLearningNeuralNetworkQuickSetup = DataPredict.Others.ReinforcementLearningQuickSetup.new(60,0,0)


	return QLearningNeuralNetworkQuickSetup


local function buildCar()
	local BuiltCar = Car:Clone()
	return BuiltCar

local function generateEnvironmentFeatureVector()

	local featureVector1 = MatrixL:createRandomNormalMatrix(1, 3)

	local featureVector2 = MatrixL:createRandomNormalMatrix(1, 3)

	local environmentFeatureVector = MatrixL:subtract(featureVector1, featureVector2)

	environmentFeatureVector[1][1] = 1 -- 1 at first column for bias.

	return environmentFeatureVector


local function countTrueBooleansInBooleanArray(booleanArray)

	local numberOfTrueBooleans = 0

	for i, boolean in ipairs(booleanArray) do

		if (boolean == true) then

			numberOfTrueBooleans += 1



	return numberOfTrueBooleans


local function calculateCurrentAccuracy(booleanArray)

	local numberOfBooleans = #booleanArray

	local numberOfTrueBooleans = countTrueBooleansInBooleanArray(booleanArray) 

	local currentAccuracy = (numberOfTrueBooleans / numberOfBooleans) * 100

	currentAccuracy = math.floor(currentAccuracy)

	return currentAccuracy


local function calculateAverage(array)

	local sum = 0

	local average

	for i, number in ipairs(array) do

		sum += number


	average = (sum / #array)

	return average


local function getCurrentAverageAccuracy()

	local currentAccuracy

	local currentAverageAccuracy

	if (#isRewardedArray > maxRewardArrayLength) then

		table.remove(isRewardedArray, 1)

		currentAccuracy = calculateCurrentAccuracy(isRewardedArray)

		table.insert(currentAccuracyArray, currentAccuracy)


	if (#currentAccuracyArray > maxCurrentArrayLength) then

		table.remove(currentAccuracyArray, 1)

		currentAverageAccuracy = calculateAverage(currentAccuracyArray)


	return currentAverageAccuracy


-- Function to calculate the angle between two vectors
local function calculateAngle(vector1, vector2)
	local dotProduct = vector1:Dot(vector2)
	local magnitudeProduct = vector1.Magnitude * vector2.Magnitude
	local cosineOfAngle = dotProduct / magnitudeProduct
	local angle = math.acos(cosineOfAngle)
	return math.deg(angle) -- Convert from radians to degrees

-- Function to calculate the required rotation for the NPC to face the target part
local function getTurnAngle(BasePart, targetPart)
	local npcPosition = BasePart.Position
	local targetPosition = targetPart.Position

	-- Calculate the direction vector from the NPC to the target part
	local directionToTarget = (targetPosition - npcPosition).unit

	-- Get the NPC's current forward direction (assuming NPC is oriented along the Z-axis)
	local npcForward = BasePart.CFrame.LookVector

	-- Calculate the angle between the NPC's forward direction and the direction to the target
	local angle = calculateAngle(npcForward, directionToTarget)

	-- Determine if the target is to the left or right of the NPC
	local crossProduct = npcForward:Cross(directionToTarget)
	if crossProduct.Y < 0 then
		angle = -angle -- If the cross product's Y component is negative, the target is to the left

	return angle

function round(number, decimals)
	number = number*10^decimals
	number = math.floor(number+0.5)
	number = number / 10^decimals
	return number

local function startEnvironment(Model, CarModel)


	game.StarterGui.GeneticAlgoDebug.Frame.DebugFrame.Attempts.Text = tostring('Attempt, '..Attempts)
	local timeAlive = 0
	game.StarterGui.GeneticAlgoDebug.Frame.DebugFrame.TimeAlive.Text = tostring('Time Alive:, '..math.round(timeAlive))

	local reward = 0
	local defaultReward = 0.01
	local defaultPunishment = -1

	local predictedLabel

	local environmentVector = generateEnvironmentFeatureVector()
	local lastRotationErrorY
	local currRotationErrorY= getTurnAngle(CarModel.DriveSeat, Goal)
	local FLRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.FL.Position, CarModel.RayParts.FL.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local FRRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.FR.Position, CarModel.RayParts.FR.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local FRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.F.Position, CarModel.RayParts.F.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local LRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.L.Position, CarModel.RayParts.L.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local RiRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.Ri.Position, CarModel.RayParts.Ri.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local RLRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.RL.Position, CarModel.RayParts.RL.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local RRRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.RR.Position, CarModel.RayParts.RR.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local RRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.R.Position, CarModel.RayParts.R.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
	local FLDist
	local FRDist
	local LDist
	local RiDist
	local FDist
	local RLDist
	local RRDist
	local RDist
	local previousPosition
	local currentPosition = CarModel:GetPivot().Position
	local previousinverseGoalDistance
	local inverseGoalDistance
	local touched = false
	if FLRayHit then FLDist=1/FLRayHit.Distance else FLDist=0 end 
	if FRRayHit then FRDist=1/FRRayHit.Distance else FRDist=0 end
	if FRayHit then FDist=1/FRayHit.Distance else FDist=0 end
	if LRayHit then LDist=1/LRayHit.Distance else LDist=0 end
	if RiRayHit then RiDist=1/RRayHit.Distance else RiDist=0 end
	if RLRayHit then RLDist=1/RLRayHit.Distance else RLDist=0 end 
	if RRRayHit then RRDist=1/RRRayHit.Distance else RRDist=0 end
	if RRayHit then RDist=1/RRayHit.Distance else RDist=0 end
	local function getRewardValue()

		--[[local distanceAdjustmentFactor = 0.1
		local rotationAdjustmentFactor = 0.01

		local distanceChangeReward = (lastDistancefromGoal - currDistancefromGoal) --* distanceAdjustmentFactor
		print('DistanceReward:', distanceChangeReward)

		local rotationChangeReward = 0 --(lastRotationErrorY - currRotationErrorY) --* rotationAdjustmentFactor
		print('RotationReward:', rotationChangeReward)

		local rewardValue = distanceChangeReward + rotationChangeReward]]
		local rewardValue = 0 --(currDistancefromGoal < lastDistancefromGoal) or (currDistancefromGoal < 4 and currDistancefromGoal == lastDistancefromGoal)

		return rewardValue

	local goalReached=0
		if otherPart.Name=='Goal' then
			print('Goal Reached!')
		elseif not otherPart:IsDescendantOf(CarModel) then	
			print(otherPart, 'Touched!')
		if otherPart.Name=='Goal' then
			print('Goal Overshot!!')
	local totalReward = 10

	game:GetService('RunService'):BindToRenderStep("DrawGizmos", 1, function ()
		Gizmo.PushProperty('Color3', Color3.new(1, 0.160784, 0.176471))
		if FLRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.FL.Position, FLRayHit.Position) end
		if FRRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.FR.Position, FRRayHit.Position) end
		if FRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.F.Position, FRayHit.Position) end
		if LRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.L.Position, LRayHit.Position) end
		if RiRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.Ri.Position, RiRayHit.Position) end
		if RLRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.RL.Position, RLRayHit.Position) end
		if RRRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.RR.Position, RRRayHit.Position) end
		if RRayHit then Gizmo.Ray:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.R.Position, RRayHit.Position) end
		Gizmo.PushProperty('Color3', Color3.new(1, 0.576471, 0.152941))
		if FLRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(FLRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		if FRRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(FRRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		if FRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(FRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		if LRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(LRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		if RiRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(RiRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		if RLRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(RLRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		if RRRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(RRRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		if RRayHit then Gizmo.Sphere:Draw(CFrame.new(RRayHit.Position), 1, 20, 360) end
		Gizmo.PushProperty('Color3', Color3.new(0.8, 1, 0.14902))
		if FLRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.FL.Position, round(FLDist, 2)) end
		if FRRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.FR.Position, round(FRDist, 2)) end
		if FRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.F.Position, round(FDist, 2)) end
		if LRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.L.Position, round(LDist, 2)) end
		if RiRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.Ri.Position, round(RiDist, 2)) end
		if RLRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.RL.Position, round(RLDist, 2)) end
		if RRRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.RR.Position, round(RRDist, 2)) end
		if RRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.RayParts.R.Position, round(RDist, 2)) end
		Gizmo.PushProperty('Color3', Color3.new(1, 0, 0.0156863))
		if RRayHit then Gizmo.Text:Draw(CarModel.DriveSeat.Position, CarModel.DriveSeat.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude) end


	while task.wait(0.01) do
		game.StarterGui.GeneticAlgoDebug.Frame.DebugFrame.TimeAlive.Text = tostring('Time Alive:, '..math.round(timeAlive))

		FLRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.FL.Position, CarModel.RayParts.FL.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		FRRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.FR.Position, CarModel.RayParts.FR.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		FRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.F.Position, CarModel.RayParts.F.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		LRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.L.Position, CarModel.RayParts.L.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		RiRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.Ri.Position, CarModel.RayParts.Ri.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		RLRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.RL.Position, CarModel.RayParts.RL.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		RRRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.RR.Position, CarModel.RayParts.RR.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		RRayHit = workspace:Raycast(CarModel.RayParts.R.Position, CarModel.RayParts.R.CFrame.LookVector*1000, raycastParams)
		currRotationErrorY   = getTurnAngle(CarModel.DriveSeat, Goal)
		local DistancefromGoal = (Goal.Position - CarModel:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude
		previousinverseGoalDistance = inverseGoalDistance
		inverseGoalDistance = DistancefromGoal>0 and 1/DistancefromGoal or 1

		local OldLDist = LDist
		local OldRDist = RDist

		if FLRayHit then FLDist=FLRayHit.Distance else FLDist=0 end 
		if FRRayHit then FRDist=FRRayHit.Distance else FRDist=0 end
		if FRayHit then FDist=FRayHit.Distance else FDist=0 end
		if LRayHit then LDist=LRayHit.Distance else LDist=0 end
		if RiRayHit then RiDist=RiRayHit.Distance else RiDist=0 end
		if RLRayHit then RLDist=RLRayHit.Distance else RLDist=0 end 
		if RRRayHit then RRDist=RRRayHit.Distance else RRDist=0 end
		if RRayHit then RDist=RRayHit.Distance else RDist=0 end

		--if RDist==OldRDist and CarModel.DriveSeat.Throttle==1 then reward+=0.5 end
		if LDist==OldLDist and CarModel.DriveSeat.Throttle==1 and CarModel.DriveSeat.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude > 5 then reward+=5
		elseif LDist==OldLDist and CarModel.DriveSeat.Throttle==1 then reward+=0.5 end

		environmentVector = {
				FLDist, FDist, FRDist, LDist, RiDist,-- RLDist, RDist, RRDist,
				currRotationErrorY, goalReached,
				math.clamp(CarModel.DriveSeat.ThrottleFloat, -1, 1), math.clamp(CarModel.DriveSeat.SteerFloat, -1, 1)
		print('Review: ', environmentVector, reward)
		reward = 0 --getRewardValue(environmentVector, predictedLabel)
		if touched then
			print('Punishment: ', reward)
		elseif (currentPosition-previousPosition).Magnitude > 0 and CarModel.DriveSeat.Throttle==1  then
		if goalReached==1 and CarModel.DriveSeat.Throttle<=0 then
		predictedLabel, confidence = Model:reinforce(environmentVector, reward)
		print('PredictedLabel = ', predictedLabel)
		--print('PREDICTED RESULT: ', predictedLabel, 'REWARDED: ', isRewarded)
		print('Reward: ', reward, confidence)
		--table.insert(isRewardedArray, isRewarded)

		--currentAverageAccuracy = getCurrentAverageAccuracy()

		--if (currentAverageAccuracy ~= nil) then print(currentAverageAccuracy) end
		if touched then


	startEnvironment(Model, buildCar())

local function run()

	local QDNModel = buildModel()
	local CarModel = buildCar()

	startEnvironment(QDNModel, CarModel)



Here is the code

Oh wait. This is the problem with your code.

	local FLDist
	local FRDist
	local LDist
	local RiDist
	local FDist
	local RLDist
	local RRDist
	local RDist

Should have at least set some values if it cant get a ray hit.

Also update the library, I just fixed the experience replays.

1 Like

Still the same, in the while loop I factored this in already as well