Adding Currency Problem

You still didnt fix it.

local oldtimev = oldtime:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-tim")

if oldtimev > 0 then

oops sorry, I forgot to put or 0 at the end of that one lol

yeah, it works, theres now a leaderboard, and the time and coins are rising, the thing is, it seems that we lost the old data

well, you did say that the old data had a hard time saving that might be the problem. Try out the fixed version because it couldā€™ve also been my arrogance.

image and the datastore works

also from the new script remove the while wait do it might cause problems as I forgot to remove it I was in a rush.

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okay, ill delete it. If we cant get back the data its ok, ill try and give back the currency and inutes to the users

if i delete the will wait do, the leaderboard dissapear

well if this script doesnt work, I donā€™t know what else I could try so you would have to give the data manually, sorry about that. Also, it might have just been you who lost data because if you look in the script, it says :SetAsync() and it deletes all your old data after you were supposed to get it. So Iā€™m assuming it erased your data the 1st time before you could get it back.

its ok, ill do it manually, btw, can i ask u something, about a doubt that i have

sure, whatā€™s your doubt you have?

if its posible to give people tags in the chat when they hit a certain amount of, currency lets say. Imagine i hit 5mins in game, would it be posible to give that persona a chat tag in the game?

yes, I am assuming its possible but I donā€™t currently work with chat tags and either way this would go into a completely new post.

yeah ik, it was just a doubt, thx for ur time, i really appreciate ur help, have a nice day!