Adding Humanoid to a custom Character

Hello! I have recently decided I wanted to make an animal that can spawn within my game. To do this, I downloaded a free rigged dog mesh off the internet, and used the avatar importer to import a custom character. This has worked very well, I have already animated it, and it’s working pretty well. However, I have run into a problem. Since I want this to be an NPC, I need to be able to use pathfinding and MoveTo and other humanoid functions, however when I imported this custom character, it didn’t have a humanoid. So my question is, how would I add a humanoid to this custom character, allowing me to use these humanoid functions?

Add one by adding one. A Humanoid only requires a HumanoidRootPart (and a Head if you have RequiresNeck enabled). You will have to connect the rest of the body to the HumanoidRootPart or other appropriate limb via Motor6Ds to make them animatable as a reminder.

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Oh, so I just need to simply give it a humanoid root part? Thanks!