Adjustable max value in NumberSequence picker

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to use the NumberSequence picker in Studio to select values greater than a (sometimes inappropriate) hardcoded value. For example, the picker is hard-capped for values between 0 and 10 on ParticleEmitter.Size when it has no reason to be, and this causes problems.

In the past I have needed large particle effects that require Size values greater than 10, but was forced to use the command bar to set the NumberSequence property because the picker does not support larger values. This is extremely tedious and dependent on trial and error (ie. a waste of time), and I cannot accurately fine tune my effects.

To solve this issue, another input box should be added to the picker UI that refers to the max value for the plot. This input box should not exist when the max value is hard capped for a good reason (ie. Transparency). When the max value is changed, the existing values should not be vertically stretched, the plot should be just visually scaled appropriately.

If Roblox is able to address this, I’d be able to accurately develop beautiful particle effects without needing to resort to command bar trial and error tactics.


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