Build Island Admin Commands Guide

The first person to join a Build Island server is the owner of the server and automatically has access to the Build Island Admin Commands.

Build Island Admin Commands are based on a very old version of Person299’s Admin Commands script. The commands are structured the same way but not all of the P299 commands are included.

Target Selection

Wherever you see @ in one of the commands, that is the target identifier. The identifier will automatically complete a username unless one of the special identifiers is used. For example, you could say kill/bere in the chat instead of the full kill/berezaa and it will identify the right character as long as no one else has the same name.

Special identifiers

me - Targets yourself
random - Targets a random user
others - Targets everyone except yourself
all - Targets everyone
team [name] - Targets everyone on a certain team
rank # - Targets everyone in a specific rank number
guests- Targets all rank 0 players
members - Targets all rank 1 players
regulars - Targets all rank 2 players
moderators - Targets all rank 3 players
admins - Targets all rank 4 players

Command List

Targeted commands:

:crossed_swords: kill/@ - Instantly kill the target
:crossed_swords: rank/@/# - Set the target’s rank to a number between 0 and 4 (cannot be equal to or higher than your own rank)
:crossed_swords: punish/@, unpunish/@ - Banish the target to another plane of existence
:crossed_swords: fly/@, unfly/@ - Grant the target optional Flight Mode
:crossed_swords: ff/@, unff/@ - Grant the target a Forcefield
:crossed_swords: sparkles/@, unsparkles/@ - Grant the target Sparkles
:crossed_swords: heal/@ - Fully heal the target
:crossed_swords: sit/@ - Force the target to sit
:crossed_swords: jump/@ - Force the target to jump
:crossed_swords: explode/@ - Explode the target
:crossed_swords: fling/@ - Send the target flying
:crossed_swords: yeet/@ - Send the target flying really, really far
:crossed_swords: size/@/# - Set the target’s character scale multiplier (default 1)
:crossed_swords: setgrav/@/# - Set the target’s experienced gravity (big negative numbers to float)
:crossed_swords: grav/@ - Restore normal gravity to the target
:crossed_swords: walkspeed/@/# - Set the target’s walkspeed
:crossed_swords: damage/@/# - Apply a certain amount of damage to the target
:crossed_swords: teleport/@/@ - Teleport first target(s) to second target
:crossed_swords: kick/@ - Kick target from the server
:crossed_swords: ban/@, unban/@ - Ban target from the server
:crossed_swords: respawn/@ - Respawn target’s character
:crossed_swords: team/@/[teamname] - Change the target’s team

Server commands:

:crossed_swords: m/... - Announce a message to the server (subject to Roblox broadcast filter)
:crossed_swords: h/... - Display a hint message to the server (subject to Roblox broadcast filter)
:crossed_swords: pin/... - Set a pinned hint message (subject to Roblox broadcast filter)
:crossed_swords: unpin/ - Removed a pinned message
:medal_military: defaultrank/# - Set the default server rank to a number between 0 and 3
:medal_military: theme/# - Set the server theme to a number according to the theme guide
:medal_military: grass/# - Set the server grass to the grass of a specific theme
:medal_military: sky/# - Set the server skybox to the sky of a specific theme
:medal_military: music/# - Set the Roblox sound ID for a music to play to the whole server
:crossed_swords: weather/... - Set the weather of the server [clear/rain/snow]
:crossed_swords: time/# - Set the server time
:crossed_swords: lock/ - Prevent new users from joining the server
:crossed_swords: unlock/ - Allow new users to join a previously-locked server
:crossed_swords: setspawn/ - Set the default spawn location for the server
:medal_military: map/# - Sets the server map to a preset between 1 and 6
:medal_military: insert/... - (:sparkles: NEW) Insert a Roblox gear or model at your character position

Theme Guide

The theme/..., grass/... and sky/... commands use the following themes: