Adonis Custom Command

The URL works for one script the old one, but not the current

Instead of this continuous back and forth, tbh you two are trying to raise post counts, have you tried wrapping it in a pcall and checking the error it gives?

It’s in a Pcall, the error is bad request error 400

The link you’re putting in is bad then. It’s not discords issue as you’re either not copying the URL correctly or using an incorrect link.

The URL works for one script the old one, but not the current

This doesn’t make any sense? Make sure the urls are the same.

If you need help with this, you can add my Discord and I’ll gladly help out.

Exactly the same, I pasted both of them,

Can you actually posts your errors instead of replying it doesn’t work? This won’t get us anywhere. Show screenshots.

Can you actually read the thread before posting?
He’s been doing that. Simply read the whole thread.

Here you go!

And this is line 66

I think I found something, embeds require a second table in them.

All I can say is that the link is invalid. Rest seems fine.

Yep look! Embeds have a secret table used in them:

That’s a silly typo. I’m glad you noticed.

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Seems interesting, good luck :yellow_heart:

But that wasn’t there when you posted the original image?
You may have added it later.

Correct, I added it later! Thanks for all your help. Have a nice day!

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