Ads Manager Uses Credits Immediately vs. Over Selected Timeline

hello, can you take a look at my message above

Issue is still persisting, will there ever be an update on this?

Probably not. Hereā€™s the result of the DM I sent in January.

Simply put. Donā€™t waste your money on this system. Youā€™ll find far more value using influencer advertising.

Not sure if this is related at all but my sponsors are just not running at all for days in a row

I have also been experiencing this issue, I ran sponsored ads and in the first hour i was at ~300 CCU and then in the 2nd hour I was at ~8-15 CCU


this issue has not yet been fixed, which is truly disappointing.
I got around ~200 ccu within the first few hours of running the campaign, which dropped to a constant 5-10 ccu for the rest of the campaign duration.


I started a 30 credit ad for the day and got 800,000 impressions 15 minutes into the ad campaign. Total impressions when the ad ended is 1,375,265. Play rate at 0.23% :sob:

If anyone is still wondering, a potential solution that I found would be to set your Target Location to 1 Region that is NOT ā€œAll Regionsā€ or ā€œAll Non-EU Regionsā€. I normally target ā€œUS and Canadaā€ and my Ads have been working fine for the last week or so. Hope this helps!

The issue occured for me when I was targeting all non-EU regions.

Just experienced this issue aswell, game shot up to 500 ccu in less then an hour of sponsoring my experience. However it dropped to 5cc an hour later and is barely getting new players. Im talking about 15 new players over the span of 12 hoursā€¦ This NEEDS to be fixed asap as most developers are missing there opportunity to get a stable player countā€¦


I only targeted US region and it spent all the credits in the first hourā€¦

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Iā€™m still experiencing this issue. I also tried daily budgeting, but it doesnā€™t spread out evenly either (spends the daily budget within the first hour of the day, ~12-1 AM)

Same, I chose 5 Ad credits daily for 4 days, using 20 Ad credits in total, but itā€™s been 2 days and no one is joining since 1-2 AM of the first day. Where did the rest 15 Ad Credits go?

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Iā€™m also experiencing this. This why I feel the old ad system/user ads was better by a thousand miles and more effective. I spent 20 credits for a lifetime budget for a sponsored Ad campaign for 48 hours, all the credits was spent in 40 minutes max. Player count rose decently for about 30 minutes then took a steep dive back down to 0 in under 3 minutes. This whole system needs a redo or bring back user ads / old sponsor system with more regulation for spam.

How is using 20 Credits around the same impressions as using 5 Credits:

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It would definitely be great if DevRel could shine some light on this issue - sponsored ads are completely inflating and then tanking our games just a few minutes after as it spends most of the budget in a short amount of time versus spending it over the full time span. It doesnā€™t seem too sustainable right nowā€¦


Any updates on this system? seems like everyone here is having issues


I just had a new search ad spend its full budget with 8 hours still left of the campaign. The issue isnā€™t as drastic as some of the things Iā€™ve experienced with sponsored ads, but it is still very bad and shows that the issue is present with the new search ads.

Also been experiencing this for a while. Disappointed to see that itā€™s still not resolved.

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