Hey all! I am trying to develop a camera system for me to record with for my Roblox Television Network, but I am unsure of what components I need in order to develop this camera system.
The things the camera needs to do is: FOV Zoom with Scroll Wheel, Move side to side with A and D, and go up and down with W and S.
Just to notify you that I am not asking for direct scripts, I just need the components required to do these things with a model camera, so I can research these components and develop the code myself.
There are some functions that are required for a good camera system. These are
Occlusion handling
Camera focus
Camera hitbox (to prevent clipping/phasing through object)
Camera dollying (for smooth movement using Bezier, prevent jerky movement)
To implement these camera functions require good knowledge of math. Roblox default camera script has 1 and 2 implemented, you can look through it for some idea on how to implement your own version of it.
Some additional features for your camera are,
Camera depth of field (DOF)
Camera field of view (FOV)
Color correction/ filter
Camera shake
Camera tilting
Have fun implementing some of these functions and features.
If that is the case, you can just use the roblox default free cam, no modification needed. It is exact how you describe your desired camera to be. You can get this camera script by following this