Advanced "Fall in place" typewriting effect?

Hey! So I have seen about 2 different posts already on typewriting effects like I am trying to achieve, if you didn’t see them I will link a video on what I want to accomplish, the text to fall into place.

I know how to make a basic typewriter effect, but I want to achieve this unique effect and going through the posts I still can’t seem to accomplish it.

I tried Defaultio’s Rich Text Markup and while it had a wiggle animation, I wanted a custom animation for it to fall into place once, and not wiggle back and forth.

If you know a way for me to accomplish this, or know how to achieve what I want with Defaultio’s Module, please let me know.


Alright you are on the right path using Defaultio’s Rich Text Markup so in the Rich Text Markup Module around these animate style line

insert this code between some of these line

function animationStyles.FallDown(character, animateAlpha, properties)
	character.Visible = true
	local amplitude = properties.InitialSize.Y.Offset * (1 - animateAlpha) * properties.AnimateStyleAmplitude
	character.Position = properties.InitialPosition +, 0, 0, amplitude * -1)
	character.TextTransparency = 1 - (animateAlpha)

it should look like this (Red Highlight is inserted code)

And now you have FallDown style animation you can use it like this in dialogue

local BoardDialogue = {
--Testing Dialogue
	"<AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05>[Help Wanted]: Pen Lost!",
	"<AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05>When i writing my dairy in my house I suddenly i dropped my pen then it just disappeared! someone help!\n<TextColor3=255,255,0>(Signed Mary)",
	"<AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05><TextColor3=255,0,0>[Wanted Help]<TextColor3=/>: Lost House Key!",
	"<AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05>Normally i will wait for my mom to open door for me but she is on vacation! I don't remember where did i lost it but someone please find some way to open my door!\n<TextColor3=0,255,255>[NOTE] You can break door but don't forget to pay repair bill too!\n<TextColor3=255,255,0>(Signed Noelle)",
	"<AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05><TextColor3=255,255,0>[Trade Offer!]<TextColor3=/>: Paper Clip",
	"<AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05><TextColor3=255,255,0>You Recive: My Precious Paper Clip\n<TextColor3=255,0,255>I recive: Your House!",
	"<AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05>(The Rest is a Saloon Product Advertisement)"

Extra Tip if you don’t want to insert <AnimateStyle=FallDown><AnimateStyleTime=0.05> every dialogue line then you can turn it to default style by finding this line in Rich Text Markup Module

and Replace it with

Try play around with AnimateStyleTime it affect how fast is the text animation
Final Result

(And sorry if this too long tell me if something wrong)


This is so helpful! Sorry for the late reply. It works smoothly, now I will just play around with fonts and settings to get the right style.

Good luck hope yoy enjoy :smile:

(Bru char limit)

thanks, one question though that I should have included, do you know which setting allows me to adjust the speed of the typing and how to change the size of the text?

AnimateStepFrequency is for how many letter to show per step (more number mean more letter to show per animation step and can’t be decimal number too)
There is two way to set size
1.If your TextScaled Property is true then change TextScale
2.If your TextScaled Property if false then change TextSize
TextScaled Property will auto adjust TextSize to fit your frame (tho Higher Text Scale most likely to make text fall below screen lol)
or to change Size for certain text you can use <TextScale=0.3> or <TextSize=35> <<This won’t work if TextScaled is true

Thanks man, appreciate it. Have a great rest of your day

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Thank i just woke up actually still a bit blur (alr off topic now glad i can help)

I’ve needed help with this too and i still don’t know how to do it

use rich text module
char limit