Alliance Process

The Association of Magic

1. Groups are observed.

The requesting or group being requested for an alliance is observed to see its activity, community, development quality and the like by The Association. Groups are free to do the same on The Association. This can take up to a month.

2. Congress forms a vote.

Association Congress will vote on the alliance based on the information gathered from the observation. The requesting/group being requested for an alliance may do the same.

3. Terms are agreed on.

A meeting between the leadership from both groups is held where they agree on alliance terms.
The only required terms are that The Association won’t be involved in hostile relations with groups and that allied events are held on a shared game (instead of one group’s game to ensure one group doesn’t gain popularity from allied events).

4. A shared game is made.

A shared game is made between both group owners to prevent someone in the development team (from either group) taking content from the game. Who owns the game is decided individually.

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